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Asterin's Pov:

I woke up to Draco shaking me saying that we need to get breakfast, I quickly jumped into my robes, slipped on my shoes, grabbed my books and walked out. As me and Draco started to walk down the halls we ran into Tom and Mattheo. Tom quickly smiled at me, I stared at him in awe, and I finally snapped out of it when Mattheo said "Daydreaming are we Asterin?", I cocked my head towards him and said "Of course not, 𝑅𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒" He rolled his eyes and walked into the great hall. Me, Tom and Draco quickly scurried in I decided to sit at the Gryffindor Table with Neville. That's when these twins approached me, "Well hello there beautiful" I looked at them with a smile and said "Hello boys." They smirked at each other and said "I'm George and this is Fred" I smiled and said "Asterin, Asterin Malfoy" sticking my hand out. They grinned and said "The twin to draco eh?" "That would be me" Neville was sitting there nervously so I whispered in his ear "it's okay Neville no need to be scared" he looked at me with a faint smile and continued eating. I grabbed a green apple took a bite out of it, and smiled at the boys "I think we will be great friends" they said as they smirked. "I'd love that" and with that I made 2 new friends.


As Me and Neville walked into Herbology, Ms. Sprout seemed pretty excited to teach us about gillyweed. In the middle of the lesson my thoughts drifted to Tom, his smile, his soft, brown wavy hair. All of a sudden I caught myself ,No Asterin, he's your friend, and he doesn't feel the same, the image of his smile was just stuck in my head. As herbology ended Neville snapped me out of my thoughts by dragging me to the courtyard, as we made it. I took my hand out of his grip.  He looked back and said, "hurry Asterin we will be late late transfiguration" my eyes widened as we ran through the corridors. "we were running too fast and I ended up running into the one and only, Mattheo. I quickly scurried to pick up my book. He turned around and said "in a rush I see Asterin", I scoffed "of course Riddle, unlike you I care about my classes" I turned around grabbed Neville's hand and walked to transfiguration. I heard him scoff and turn on his heels while his footsteps slowly got quieter.


Me and Neville quickly sat down. As we sat down Draco had been trying to talk to me, i looked over at him. I quickly furrowed my eyebrows when he had a bruise on his eye and a cut on his lip. "what happened" I asked. "I had a little fight with Mattheo, nothing serious" my eyes widened "what do you mean nothing serious! That's very serious dray" , he rolled his eyes and said "no it's not, plus he looks way worse than me" his words echoed through my head, there's worse?! Neville saw the confused expression on my face and lightly grabbed my hand and said "don't worry whatever it is it's fine" I lightly smiled "yeah probably" class went by fast, next thing I knew it was lunch. As i walked into the great hall I saw Mattheo with a cut on the bridge of his nose, a few cuts on his lip, probably from Dracos ring, How could two 14 year olds cause so much damage. I sat with Neville and the twins again, Fred and George wanted to sneak around the corridors with them after hours, but I politely declined because of Draco. Next class I had been dreading, Defense against the Dark arts. I quickly got up and decided to study in my room until next class, I ended up going overtime and being late to class. Once I walked in, Snape immediately said "Sit, Ms. Malfoy unless you'd like a detention." I quickly scanned the room for a free seat. The only available seat was next to....

Heyyy, I have no idea what I should call you guys so, you guys will be called Basiliks until i know what i wanna call you. I hope you liked the chapter...! xx- V

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