The truth

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Play the song if felt like it, may add a bit exaggeration to it.

Toms Pov:

How do I tell her that what I said was just a cover up. That it was a feeling in the moment. That I do love her but not in the way that I meant for it to come out.

Asterins Pov:

I walked down to Herbology with Neville until I came across Tom. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Neville. I shot Neville an apologetic look and start walking along with Tom. He looked at me with complete worry

"What's wrong" I questioned

"You deserve the truth Asterin,and i'm sorry but I don't love you. It was a feeling of the moment. I don't love you, I wish I loved you the way you hoped, and again i'm sorry"

"I don't love you" those same words repeated in my head as I turned on my heels and ran to my dorm. I was confused and hurt. His words echoed through my head. I heard him yell my name, but what he had just told me blocked it out. I threw off my robes slipped into a hoodie and sweatpants and hid under my blanket. Tears poured out of my eyes, and I sat i my dorm, in pure silence. I woke up, with a tear soaked pillow and rain pouring. I looked out the window.

Maybe I was just exaggerating, or maybe I truly had feelings for him but something in me broke in the moment. Maybe I truly had feelings for the Tom Riddle, or maybe I felt hurt because I had been lied too. Whatever this feeling was I didn't like it, and Draco definitely wouldn't like it either.

Dracos pov:

Asterin hadn't showed up for lunch so I was a bit worried. I had asked Neville if he had seen Asterin, he said something about her leaving with Tom and then he never saw her again. I ran to Tom grabbed him by the collar and shoved him into the wall.

"What the fuck did you do to Asterin" I yelled

This caused the whole great hall to turn and look at me. I didn't care tho

He sighed and said "Ask her yourself if you care so much"

I threw him on the floor, and ran to my dorm. I had walked in, Asterin was sitting by the window, watching the rain pour. She turned to look at me, her eyes were red and puffy. I ran up to the window and picked her up. She sobbed into my shoulder, light cries seeped out of her. What happened?

I took her to her bed, I slipped her under the covers. I slipped in and held her. I knew she needed someone. She sobbed into my chest once more before I asked.

"Asterin, What happened"

She tried to explain stuttered a bit, but she got her point across. I stopped her and said just sleep. She fell asleep a little after, I got up. I tucked her in and ran to find Tom. I was looking around, until I found him walking towards me with Mattheo. I grabbed his collar, he looks at me. I snapped when I remembered what Asterin said. I punched him, he quickly got up. Everyone started to crowd around, I heard someone run but I didn't really care. I continued to beat him, because for one he hurt my sister, and second he lied to her.

Asterins pov: I woke up to someone banging on the door, I opened it and it was...

This chapter is very over exaggerating, but I honestly love it. Let me know any suggestions, I am completely lost on what to do next. xx- V

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