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Asterin's pov:

We of course had to run into him like as if last class wasn't enough torture. He chuckled to himself as we walked by. I made it to my last class, charms. As I walked into class my eyes met with Hermiones. Hermione was a sweet, beautiful girl. Me and her never really talked, but she smiled at me anyways. As  I began to sit next to her. We started talking which caused class to go by faster that anticipated. As I pulled out my wand to work on a spell, a piece of paper fell out I picked it up and it read..

   𝑚𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑦 𝑑𝑜𝑟𝑚 12 𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝑏𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒!


I smiled to myself as I read the note. I'm guessing Hermione read the note too because I heard her giggle to herself. I smiled at her and we continued to study a few spells for the rest of the class period. As the end of class rolled around Hermione asked if I wanted to go to Hogsmeade this weekend with Her, Ron, And Harry. I politely declined because I knew Draco wouldn't like that. She smiled and said "Maybe next time" I giggled and said "hopefully" we hugged and parted ways. As I entered the dorm, I heard Draco and Pansy giggling, I quickly left and ran to library instead I could catch up on some homework. I saw Neville walk in with a book in hand, I called him over quietly. he sat down and we began to have a conversation. "Oh hey Asterin, how was your day?" In to which I responded with "it was great until I think I found my brother and Pansy snogging." he giggled and said "interesting" we had studied for a bit, I then decided to go back and claim my part in the dorm back.

Draco's pov:

Me and Pansy are in the middle of cuddling and giggling, when Asterin walked in "I would like my fucking dorm back" Asterin yelled. Pansy quickly rose to her feet and hugged me and Asterin goodbye, I was mortified cause she had her arms crossed and her foot was tapping on the floor waiting for an explanation. "I-" I couldn't make out the words to say "Just shut up, i'd like a sign on the door at least" she seemed really upset she quickly put her books away, she said "Dinner is about to start let's go"

Asterin's pov:

As me and Draco headed to dinner, he quickly stopped which caused me to turn back "i'm sorry Asterin I should've told you" he exclaimed. "It's fine now let's go i'm starving" I said in a desperate manner. As we walked into the great hall I was stuck between sitting with Draco or Fred, George and Neville. I decided to sit with Draco and Pansy. As I sat down, Tom walked in. His silky brown hair lightly bouncing, his beautiful brown eyes glistening- Oh my god, Asterin get a grip. I knew i wasn't allowed to feel this way about him he's my friend. He gave me a smile and sat across from me. As everyone finished dinner I left a little early to get some studying in before tonight. I was finishing up some dada homework when Draco barged in. He looked tired, he layed down and as he hit the bed he quickly fell asleep and light snores escaped his mouth. He made this night so much easier than it was supposed to be.

Anyways, i'm probably gonna do a lot of time skips, because this is just the beginning i'm probably gonna skip to like mid winter and maybe do some and then there will be a skip to maybe mid 5th year not sure. But i'm just saying you don't think your missing a chapter anyways tyty xx- V

Also any suggestions just let me knowww

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