Where it all began

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Did the Mattheo Riddle confess his liking for me?

His eyes went soft and he looked down, I grabbed his face and looked him in the eyes.

"Do you mean that"

"Yes Asterin, of course"

I was lost for words, he pauses and looks at me

"We can't be together, not yet. I wanna make sure it's real"

I nodded. I let his face go, he walked away. I walked to my room, and face planted on my bed. I sighed and fell asleep. Throughout the past few days since that night Mattheo has ignored me and ignored my glances. Today in potions I was positioned with a Ravenclaw boy, we of course had a huge assignment so we had to work on this project. I told him to meet me at the library after dinner. We sat in the library laughed, and worked on the project. As we finished up, I hugged him and we parted ways.

As i'm walking back to my dorm, someone grabs my from the collar of my robes and pulls me into a closet. I tried to turn on a light and look at who pulled me in here but before I got the chance they grabbed my throat and slammed me against the wall.

"Who the fuck was that?"

"Theo? Omg we were working on a project"

" I don't care, you're mine and mine only"

I was shocked, he slowly started to kiss my neck, he whispered the words "this is mine, you're mine" after every kiss. I had shivers down my spine.

"Do I make you nervous princess?"

I struggled to get words out, so I shook my head.

"I need words darling" as he continued to kiss my neck and pull off my robes.

I stopped him

"I'm not doing it in a closet"

"Oh? So would you rather take this to my room?"

"I'd rather go to my room and then go to sleep, care to join me?"

"I'll be there I guess"

Hello lovelys, it's short but I just wanted to give you a chapter! I hope you like this one it was sorta hard to write because I didn't know what to write about but enjoy!! xx- V

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