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*Train ride*

Asterin's Pov:

As I sat down next to pansy, Crabbe and Goyle thought it would be funny to make fun of me for being a Ravenclaw. Of course they didn't see it coming but I hit them with a book in one swift motion leaving them both surprised grabbing the side of their face. I heard light chuckles from both Pansy and Draco, I as well joined into the laughter. After a while I had gotten sleepy, I guess I fell asleep because next thing I know I am getting woken up by Draco. As a ton of student had scurried into the great hall, I walked in and me and Toms eyes immediately met. His eyes glistened- no Asterin, you cannot fall for him. I snapped the thought out of my head and continued to sit at the Ravenclaw table. I sat there reading a book as the first years got sorted in.

*After dinner*

Draco had been waiting for me in the halls, we talked as we walked up to our dorm. I had heard Tom yelling for me, Draco stopped, Smiled, "go ahead i'll meet you in the room" he said holding back a smile. I hugged him and said "okay I won't be long" I quickly ran up to Tom, and in one swift motion we hugged. I could tell he was smiling and as we pulled away he had a nice smile plastered on his face. "Oh Asterin you have no idea how I missed you" he said with a giggle. "I missed you too tom" I said with a small smile, we started walking down the hall talking he offered to drop me off at my dorm I agreed and as we were walking we heard footsteps behind us, I turned around and saw the one person I didn't want to see. Mattheo Riddle. My smiled quickly turned into nothing just a straight face. "Tom my dear old brother, hanging out with Malfoy I see" He said as he inched towards us. "Oh Theo, you never know when to leave the poor girl alone do you?" he said.

Mattheo's Pov:

As I walked down the corridors, I met myself with Tom and Asterin, giggling and smiling at each other. Gross. I picked up my pace and I guess Asterin heard because she quickly turned around and her smiled faded once she saw me. She pulled on Tom's robes which caused him to turn around to glare at me.

Asterin's Pov:

I was so exhausted from the train ride, I just told Tom i'd meet him at breakfast and started walking away. As I walked all I heard was Mattheo and Tom arguing back and forth it echoed through the corridors. I made it back to the room, and immediately face planted which caused Draco to look up from his book. "What happened" He questioned. I looked up furrowed my eyebrows, "a book, where is my brother and what have you done with him". He giggled and said "I now realized why you find these fascinating" I chuckled and said "Mattheo showed up that's what happened." He shook his head and turned off the lights and said "Goodnight Asterin," I smiled and said "Goodnight Draco"

Heyy, I am currently patting myself on the back, I think my kindergarten teacher would be telling me that as well. Anyways make sure to vote and I hope you all love it so far as much as I do. - V

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