Astronomy Tower

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Asterin's pov:
Time passed by really fast, before I knew it was 11:30 I started to finish up and putting things away. I noticed that draco was still in his robes so I changed him into a t-shirt it was the least I could do. I tucked him in and walked up to the astronomy tower. As I made it there Tom heard my footsteps and turned on his heels and smiled.

"Glad you could make it Asterin!" he smiled

"Yeah, Draco made it a lot easier he fell asleep right after dinner" I said with a giggle

"That's very peculiar" He laughed a bit

Tom's pov:

How am I supposed to tell her that i've grown feelings for her? I mean I don't think she feels the same way, plus I could never ruin our friendship.

"anyways wanna sit" I said gesturing my hand to the ledge

"Yeah sure" she said with a small smile

As we sat down I was pointing out how pretty the stars are. She looked at me and I looked in her eyes. The gaze in between had never felt like anything else, we kept our eyes on each other I could see her eyes going back and forth between my eyes and lips.

"Asterin, I think I love you"

she looked at me in utter shock...

Heyyy, anyways this chapter is bland like every other one. Any suggestions and don't worry, you aren't ending up with Tom.. this is just the beginning.. Anyways lots of love xx- V

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