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Asterins pov:

I opened the door to Mattheo, he noticed the redness in my eyes. I didn't want any snarky remarks so I shut the door, his foot stopped me. He pushed the door open and pulled me into his arms, he held me there for a moment.

It felt odd, he's always been the type to bully me for anything he could point out. He held me and I slowly put my arms around his waist. He pulled back and his eyes went soft. His brown glossy eyes were shining while looking at me, the glimmer caught me off guard.

He quickly asked me if I was okay.

"Asterin what the fuck happened"

"h-he lied" I had whispered as i lightly sobbed

he gave me a confused stare.

"he t-told me he loved me, and c-confessed he really didnt"

His eyes filled with rage but softened when he saw me sobbing more than before. He quickly picked me up and set me on my bed. He wiped my tears and slipped under the covers. He held me, the warmth of his fingers on my cold skin felt comforting. He was stroking my hair as he tried to calm me down.

His hands felt soft as one stroke my hair and the other drew circles on my waist. His warm hand stopped drawing circles and the warmth of his hand rested on my cold skin right under my shirt.

As I tried to get up, he quickly pulled me back down. I told him I needed water, he got up and got me a glass of water. He gave it to me I took a sip and set it on the table next to my bed. I turned around and he pulled me back in. His arms slithered around my waist and I rested my hands around his neck. We locked eyes for a moment, we sat there in silence.

His eyes darted between my mouth and eyes, the shine his eyes were reflecting was so mesmerizing. He slowly leaned it, I ended up giving in. Our lips locked, the spark was there. His soft warm lips against mine felt, sorta comforting. He pulled away and stroked my hair, I snuggled into his chest. We laid like that for a bit. I looked up and he was sleep I covered him in the covers, and I set up a pillow to replace me. I got up and went to the restroom, I looked at myself in the mirror and replayed what just happened. Did I just kiss THE Mattheo Riddle?

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, it's a little smaller than anticipated but i'm in love with it! Don't forget to vote and whoever is reading this, I love you! xx- V

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