The broken alliance

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We just apperrated ourselves home, we landed on the pebbled walkway. Just staring at the huge place that i'm supposed to call home. Mother was waiting at the doorstep as we made our way up, she hugged us both. She looked well, but bothered. What is bothering her?

She stopped us before we went in "He broke his alliance with the dark lord, we aren't safe, he's threatened your father already" Draco and I looked at her and each other with complete utter fear. "What has he done to break this alliance mother?" She looked at me, confused and afraid.

"He won't say but I just feel it isn't well" We walked in the house, the cold air hit my face as I walked in. Father was of course in his study, either trying to find a way to defeat Voldemort or finding a way to run away himself. He's a bit of a selfish bastard. I walked into his study, greeted him. He asked me to sit, I sat down and asked him what's happening and why me and Draco have been owled.

"We are in war with the Dark lord and his followers, i've owled Draco because we need to find out about his dark mark situation, and you.. you need befriend his son and capture him." He looked up from his study, I was shocked. Complete utter shock. "How does capturing him give us a leverage?" then it hit me, mother and father host a ball every 6 months. He's gonna lure them here. "No, No, Oh Merlin, are you trying to kill us?" He stood up, "Don't you dare question my plan this is depending on your way of doing, i'm trying to help. You have no authority to question me." I scoffed, is he fucking kidding? Does he think that the most powerful dark wizard, hasn't trained his son? Does he really think Mattheo is easy to capture? I walked away from his desk I couldn't stand this.

I heard him yell, "Asterin you're meant to kill him." I stopped dead in my tracks. I turned on my heels and made my way back to his study. "Are you fucking serious, Am I really supposed to kill the most powerful wizards son? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?" He stood tall "Asterin, these are my orders, and that's final."

My heart sank once I came to the realization. I'm supposed to kill the person i've just grown to love. And it's gonna be in my home.

Hey lovelys I hope you enjoyed the chapter, i'm so sorry for not updating as much. I'll be trying to update more. Have a great day/night!!! xx -V

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