Like Before

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  I woke up to the birds chirping and a bright beam of sun seeping through the curtain, it perfectly illuminated Mattheo, his tiny pout, sharp jaw line, pink lips, his beautiful brown curls. I sat there admiring him, a small breeze caused the curtain to sway which caused more sun to beam in and portray his features better, he soon woke up, huge smiled plastered on his face. "What's got you so happy this morning" I said while grazing my thumb over his cheek. "Maybe we can finally get our happily ever after like those stories you used to read when we were kids" he said subtly "Were you stalking me, Riddle?" I questioned. "Of course not, Malfoy" he giggled. I laughed a little and said "Did the Riddle just giggle?" he shook his head and said "Never in a million years, Asterin."


As Asterin and I laid there, admiring each other's features in as the sun perfectly portrayed our features, small smiles escaped our lips, not knowing that we both thought the same, 'This is our happily ever after" We both knew that this wasn't a miracle, it was just faith, and it finally brought us together after many years of 'hating' each other, we both knew that, this was our happy ending and that it only gets better after this....

A Special thank you to everyone who was there as i continued my series for this book, as much as I enjoyed everyone's presence always know that i am eternally grateful for all of my readers, thank you so much, for the constant support, i'm glad that i could bring comfort and support to all my reader if needed, I most likely have a new book coming out in a few, and until next time darlings, very much love xx! and Happy readings!

- Val

(Did i tell you guys my name? if not hello, i'm Val?) 

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