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~smut warning~

My hands moved around his hair as his hands gripped my hips. He then gripped my thighs and brought me to my bed, he quickly took off my shirt and my trousers. Leaving me in my undergarments. He slowly took off his shirt knowing that it would tease me, his toned abs made me crave him even more. Once his shirt was off the sexual tension began once again, his hands were moving all around caressing my curves, I heard the buckle of his belt unlatch his trousers were off leaving us half naked.

He stops and looks at me, "Asterin, are you sure" I stop and think for a second I nodded my head, he charmed the room and he quickly ripped off my panties and bra, leaving me naked. His mouth attached to my nipple and began moving his tongue along it, his fingers then went down and into my pussy. "Make a noise the more your punishment gets worse" So this was a punishment for what Theo pulled. I should've known. His pace with his fingers quickened. I was holding in the moans I gripped the sheets his hair anything to not make noise. A noise slipped, and then everything came out. His fingers quickened, he stopped for 2 seconds which caused me to whine.

"Get on your knees" I got to my knees, he pulled his dick out. My eyes widened it was definitely 10 inches. I wasn't gonna be able to walk tomorrow. He grabbed my face and opened my mouth. "Suck" My lips went over his tip I began, I felt his tip hit my throat. His groans filled the room he grabbed my hair and pushed it down my throat some more. His pace in my mouth quickened, everything went so fast "Swallow" I swallowed the warm liquid, he picked me up and put me on the bed, and his tip was teasing  me he slid it up and down my folds, "stop teasing me mattheo" "it's daddy to you princess" and without a warning he rammed it into me. Everything escaped his groans and my moans filled the room. He gripped my throat as his pace quickened. He pulled out and flipped me over. He put it back in and his strokes became deeper and sloppy. He slapped my ass, that definitely was gonna leave a print.

We finished off. We laid in bed breathless. I chuckled, "am I gonna be able to walk" " you could try" I got up and my legs wobbled and fell onto my bed. He laughed, he got up and brought me to his chest. "It's alright princess i'll charm you tomorrow right now we sleep" I listened to his heart beat and fell asleep

I was debating on this but here it is. I hope you enjoy this smut chapter. Have a lovely day/night darlings. xx- V

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