My bully

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I walked out of the restroom, I got under the covers and snuggled into him. Him being half asleep lazily slithered his arms around me. I fell asleep shortly after, I woke up to arguing outside of the door, I got up and realized that Draco and Mattheo were arguing. I listened to what they were saying.

"What the fuck Mattheo, you can't just hurt her feelings one day and then be holding her the next. Either you like her or not"

there was a short pause

"Me like her, please I only did that because I felt bad"

Me hearing those words come out of his mouth hurt even more, did I really think someone like him would find someplace to love me. I opened the door, and looked at him with hurt in my eyes.

"Another Riddle just playing with me, I should've known that you didn't mean that act"

"No asterin-"

"Save it I don't wanna speak to you or look at you"

I shut the door, I opened it again and told Draco to sleep in Blaises dorm because I wanted to be by myself. I shut the door again. I was so upset, I grabbed whatever I found and smashed it on the floor.

3 hours of crying and smashing things i'm laying in my bed with broken glass around my bed. I had sent a letter to George to bring me his firewhiskey. He walks in all happy, until he sees the glass shards on the floor. He slowly bends down to pick it up, but i got up and stopped him I told him I need the firewhiskey and he should leave before anything gets worse he hugged me and left.

I opened the bottle, and just drank, I completely disregarded the burning sensation in my throat. And the pain in my feet from standing on glass earlier. Before I knew it, it was past curfew and I had finished the firewhiskey. I got up slipped on some shoes and walked to the astronomy tower.

I sat over by the ledge and watched the sky, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, I ignored and continued. Someone grabbed my shoulder I turned around and it was him. The only and only Mattheo. He looked over at me with sorrow in his eyes, I rolled my eyes got up and tried to walk past.

"Asterin, Wait."

"What, What do you fucking want now"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I just didn't know what to say I panicked and used whatever came to mind"

He grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes

"Asterin, I do believe that I have developed some sort of feelings towards you"

I looked up at him confused, my bully for years.. has developed feelings.

Okay hey darlings, i'm very sorry for the short chapter. I'm struck I have no idea what to do next. I'll try and update as soon as possible. Love you all!!  xx- V

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