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The furious expression Draco held. He went up to my father with knuckles whiter than his pale skin, his fist collided with my fathers face. My father looked at my brother with such hatred. He looked at him straight in the eye furiously.

"You disgrace, get out of my house the both of you. And never come back" He practically ran out of air

"Lucius, don't you think that's a little too much." Mother managed to say

"Would you like to join them?" He darted her eyes towards her

She simply shook her head

"Then I advice you to shut up" He spat as he waved his hand in the air

Me and Draco ran to pack our things. We apperated back to hogwarts, we look at each other having the same thought.

"We have to warn, Mattheo" We yelled at the same time

We began to run, searching for Mattheo. We ran into the common room. He sat around the fire with Blaise and Theo. They chuckled to themselves, they turned to look at my worried expression. Mattheo got up and tried walking to the boys dormitories. I grabbed his arm.

"Mattheo.. please this is important" I looked at him with a saddened expression.

He pulled me all the way up the stairs to the dormitories and we finally made it to his dorm. He had his own considering he is the dark lords son. He had a little desk with a pin board it was cute covered in little notes and reminders.

"What is it Asterin?" He questioned

"My father wants me to kill you at our annual ball with i'm unsure i'm even going because he kicked me and that's why I have this red mark on my face" I managed to sob out

He looked at me, confused and understanding. He started to pace and exhale extremely loud.

"That's funny because my father wants me to do the same" He chuckled

A few tears seeping out, we exchanged a small and weak smile. Although, we both knew this wasn't gonna end well. He moved forward embracing me in his arms. I felt calm and warm. Collected. He made me feel safe, but what are we supposed to do?

"What now" I questioned

He looked in my eyes.

"We run.."


Cliffhanger.. SORRY as much as i'm loving this story I have possibly one more chapter maybe 2 and it's done. I appreciate everyone who's read my story. and as always have a good day/ night everyone. With much love xx- V

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