I think I love you

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"Asterin, I think I love you"

Asterin's pov:

Did I hear that right? Did he tell me he loved me?

Tom's pov:

Oh god, did I just say that I loved her

"I- I think i'm gonna go back to my dorm" She struggled to get out

"Okay, goodnight" I mumbled

she smiled and walked down the stairs. I sat there and in my mind i'm literally avada kedavraing myself.

Asterin's pov:

I hope i'm not dreaming about this. I made it to my dorm, once I walked in Draco was sitting up in his bed.

"Where were you Asterin, you have me fucking worried"

"I'm sorry, I couldn't sleep so I took a walk"

"You could've left a fucking note at least"

"I know and i'm sorry"

"Just go to sleep Asterin"

*next morning*

I woke up not ready for the face I had to look at today, he confessed that he 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 he loved me. Does he doubt it? I don't know, I quickly slipped on my robes hoping to at least get an apple at breakfast, I grabbed my books and left. As I made it out, I bumped into the one and only Mattheo Riddle. My books made a thud as it hit the floor, he quickly swooped down to pick them up, I was confused but went along with it. I gave him a questioned look, he picked up my books shoved them in my bag. He got up and looked at me with a small warm look, his eyes basically glistened and it caught me by surprise. His brown glossy eyes, they basically put me into a trance. I quickly zoned out of it.

"Thank you, Riddle" I said with a soft smile

"Your welcome, Asterin" He softly said

I quickly ran to the Grand Hall, grabbed two apples and greeted Fred and George, I couldn't find Neville so I assumed he was late. I ran out of the Grand Hall hoping to find Neville. I saw him pushed up against a wall by some other Slytherins.

"Hey, fuck off will ya"

"Ahh, Ms. Malfoy"

"Yes that's me and unless you'd like me to get my brother I suggest you sod off"

they made a face

"Next time there won't be anyone there for you longbottom" one boy snickered

"I'm so sorry Neville"

"Thank you, but it's alright"

I gave him my extra apple and we walked to Potions

As we entered Potions Snape seemed to glare at me, I shrugged it off and I sat down. Snape thought it was a good idea to give us assigned seats, oh how fucking lovely.

"Longbottom and Parkinson"
"Mr.Malfoy and Pucey"
"Riddle and Malfoy"

I sighed, Tom wasn't in this class, so it was Mattheo. I quickly got up and sat next to him. He seemed to have given me a soft smile. What was happening, Did Tom have him be nice to me? What's with the sudden change? I glared at him.

"Why aren't you giving me anymore of your snarky remarks Riddle"

"Oh sod off Malfoy, i'm trying to be nice because my brother likes you" He said rolling his eyes

"Well sorry, didn't know that you could be nice"

He gave me a frustrated look, I got up and left. I was not going to deal with it.

"Ms. Malfoy I didn't dismiss you" Snape yelled

"Oh piss off" I said while walking away

I ran to my dorm, I ended up falling asleep. I was woken up by Draco shaking me. We started to walk to our next class, Herbology. I was excited because Neville was in this class. Draco had Transfiguration so we parted ways, luckily I had found Neville so we walked together.

Anyways, this isn't as good as i thought it would be. I'm trying to update as much as I can so i'm sorry for the wait xx- V

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