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Wu Xiaoyin watched Lei Lu holding himself on the road planned by the large tribe. He felt that Lei Lu's mood was a little low. He even looked at the situation of the tribe and learned more about the thoughts of some tribes. 

Pushing Lei Lu's shoulders, he asked, "Leilu, what's wrong? Why are you unhappy?"

Lei Lu was very happy to see the female caring about himself, but when he thought of the female's body, he inevitably fell down again, but didn't want to.

The meaning of concealing the little female, because the body of the little female is more important than anything else, and the more important is the body of the little female. If it is concealed, the little female will neglect his own body. Of course, Lei Lu will not let him have it.

If it happens, or if the mood is not good because you conceal it, it will damage your body. Therefore, Leilu stared at the face of the young female and said in a common chinese language that the young female can understand.

"Sacrificial said , Your body is a bit weak, not as good as some 13- or 14-year-old cubs. You have about 5 years to reach adulthood. This is a bit difficult for you to grow to the health of a normal female."

Wu Xiaoyin don't understand most of the content. He just understand that he is not an adult. He can't help but feel strange. He returns to: "I'm an adult. I've been an adult for 2 years."

After listening to Lei Lu, he knew that it might be a female. The adult age division of the place where he lived, explained.

"Before Xiaoxiao came to the Orc Continent, there was also a female named Wu Xiaonuo. When he came to the Orc Continent, he had grown up in the place where he lived for 4 to 5 years but, on the Orc Continent, it's not time to reach adulthood, so your body has grown up again, so you are not an adult yet." When Wu Xiaoyin heard Wu Xiaonuo's Chinese name, he couldn't help but wonder if it was 500 years of himself.

The former relatives, otherwise, why can they have the same surname and only have a one-letter name. 

However, this is not the time to entangle this.

Wu Xiaoyin only knows that he is not an adult. Of course, this is on the Orc Continent, and he does not refute Lei Lu, because the power of the sacrifice cannot be inferred by common sense. Perhaps this is the power bestowed by the beast god.

In this way, the two who were talking all the way returned to their home, yes, in Lei Lu's heart, this was already the common home of the two in the future. However, they did not expect that in the near future, they would live in a better home, and it was a home built by the two of them.

At that time, Lei Lu's joy and touch were many times higher than today.

Because the words of the sacrifice made Lei Lu's heart faintly worried, he decided to raise the little female from today, so he put the little female on the giant rabbit animal skin, stared at the little female's eyes, and said word by word: "Xiao Xiao, you will definitely be fat, white and fat I raised, without any disease. Okay, now I'm going to hunt, otherwise we won't have food to eat today. You sit here obediently, I'll be back soon." After speaking, she touched the little female's hair and turned to leave.

But he didn't expect to be held by the little female, looking down at the little female's eyes, waiting for the little female. Wu Xiaoyin took Lei Lu's hand and said, "I also want to go out and have a look, okay."

After speaking, he made a walking gesture with his hand.

Lei Lu saw the strokes of the young female, thinking that today he would simply catch small prey in the forest outside the tribe. There is no danger, and he can also let the young female go out and relax. After a few days of boredom, he will be in a small mood.

Becomes bad.

Just do it when he think of it, hold the little female firmly on his arm, and walk towards the forest not far from the tribe...

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
Yash go out!

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs: Yash go out!

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