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So, the group moved to Wu Xiaoyin and Lei Lu's home to have a full meal, roasted lamb shank, glutinous meat, taro stew, milk fish soup, vinegared cabbage, roasted sweet potatoes, small wontons, especially just one bite.

The small wontons that can be swallowed are added with fish soup as the bottom, and the little guys are about to bury their heads in the bowl. 

The orcs think the small wontons are average and the taste is good, but they are not enough to stuff their teeth, and the meat is so small that they have to carefully pick and pull to find them.

So, after having tasted them, they switched to various meats.

The females are especially fond of sweet and sour pork and vinegared cabbage, especially Bin who is pregnant with a baby.

But yesterday, Wu Xiaoyin didn't notice the difference between Bin and his usual taste.

Today, Bin seems to be the same. Start with these two dishes and eat nothing next to them. 

After knowing that you are pregnant, can your tastes change immediately? 

Why didn't it exist yesterday? 

Although there were no sweet and sour dishes yesterday...

Everyone ate and drank, watching the little cubs playing and making trouble.

Lunch and dinner were all eaten at Wu Xiaoyin's house, but Wu Xiaoyin's dinner was not made by Wu Xiaoyin. Going into battle and taking out all their special skills, this is also a kind of comparison to a certain extent.

Who is more able to raise their own females in white and fat? The beasts are no less enthusiastic about this activity than hunting.

The level of enthusiasm for this kind of activity is no less than that of hunting.

In the end, of course, Lei Lu won.

Lei Lu, who has always been expressionless, could faintly see a smile.

The most annoying thing is Kos.

Of course he knows his poor craftsmanship, but he can't stand it.

Xiaokai dismantled the platform like this. He didn't even taste a bite, and he retorted confidently. "I eat yours on weekdays, let me try other delicious foods today!"

Kos took a deep breath and said.

"Then you should also mean to try what I made!"

Xiao Kai gave a white glance at Kos, "I have to keep my stomach and eat Lei Lu's delicious food, eat more, or else I will have a whole cold season. Basically, I can't eat the delicious food made by Xiaoxiao and Lei Lu."

Kos picked up and wandered around. 

Pu Pu, who didn't walk well, resisted striding toward home with a meteor on his shoulders, regardless of what was behind him.

Xiaokai yelled, and finally, Xiaokai ran up quickly, apologizing meaningfully, and then the family of three went home happily.

Listening to the conversation between Kos and Xiaokai, Wu Xiaoyin was dumbfounded about Xiaokai's lack of face.

However, Wu Xiaoyin only tasted the vegetable broth made by Kos. The soup was almost squeezed out by the meat, and it was all white.

Huhu meat didn't have much appetite when He looked at it, and it tasted a bit fishy.

In the end, the meat Wu Xiaoyin had tasted entered Lei Lu's stomach.

The three little ones who had been playing for a day were rushed by Lei Lu to wash and sleep. 

Wu Xiaoyin and Lei Lu's hot nightlife also began.

However, to be honest, Lei Lu didn't envy or want another cub when he heard that Bin and Feng had another cub.

In addition to having three naughty cubs in his own family, the last time he gave birth was considered Lei Lu was scared, and Xiao Kai had a caesarean section.

Lei Lu wondered if Xiao Kai was replaced by Xiao Xiao, would he still have the courage to survive? 

Lei Lu didn't know the answer to this question...

As soon as he slept until dawn, the third day of the trading day began.

Wu Xiaoyin looked at the crowd of dragons at the entrance of the temporary stone house, thinking about it.

It's your own orange wine that is good, and it really is that the aroma of the wine is not afraid of the deep alleys! 

He never thought that the giant red orange from the Orc Continent was good raw material. Lei Lu was the one who did it.

As for himself, he just moved his lips!

Leilu held Wu Xiaoyin and saw that Zhan and Lanshi came first, followed by Xiaokai, Kos, and Pu Pu, who was held in Kos's arms. Then Wu Xiaoyin saw Li and Alu who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Wu Xiaoyin and Lei Lu squeezed into the room to greet them, and greeted Li and Alu happily. "Li, Alu, why are you here too? I haven't seen you two days ago? Where have you all gone?"

Alu giggling," We are two days ago and the patriarch of the bargain, so it did not come here. "

Wu Xiaoyin unanimously asked.

"What bargain? "

Ali looked around the stone house said. "We traded the construction method of the stone house with the patriarch. Since trading the method of making the bed and the door with the giant tiger tribe, we have all seen the benefits. We also want to build the stone house in the giant wolf tribe. On the land, this year, we have come to discuss with the patriarch of the giant tiger."

With that said, Wu Xiaoyin thought that the patriarch had told him about this before, but he didn't care much about it.

After all, everything has a patriarch.

Presumably the patriarch would not let himself suffer, but Wu Xiaoyin thought of his storage rooms and cellars are full of food, thinking that if this thing succeeds, there will be no place in your house to put the animal skins, herbs, and animal meat given by the giant wolf tribe.

What can he do?

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs: Exchange!!!

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