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Lei Lu walked slowly holding Xiaoxiao, let Xiaoxiao and Xiaokai, Bin look for them while talking.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Xiao Xiao to pull his short hair.

Although it felt very comfortable, he wanted Xiao Xiao to keep pulling it, but it was fleeting.

Wu Xiaoyin pulled Lei Lu's hair, wanting Lei Lu to put himself down so that he could take a closer look at whether it was a plant he was familiar with.

However, it seems that the two have not yet reached the level of consonance, so Wu Xiaoyin said.

"Lei Lu, let me down. I want to see if the plant under the fruit tree in front is ginger?"

Lei Lu finished listening. Reluctantly put Xiao Xiao down, holding Xiao Xiao's hand towards the giant black fruit tree.

When Xiao Kai heard Wu Xiaoyin's words, he immediately rushed under the giant black fruit tree, pointed to the surrounding green plants and said, "Xiao Xiao, is this what you said?

After speaking, he uprooted one of the plants, revealing the bottom.

Root eyelashes.

After Wu Xiaoyin heard it, not only was his head covered with black lines, he said, "Xiaokai, wouldn't you have eaten it when you were a kid?"

Xiaokai laughed embarrassedly and touched his head and said. "When I was young, I was more curious. Strong, I have to try anything that can be stuffed into my mouth, so I have stuffed it into my mouth too. This is not delicious at all, it's spicy, hey? Isn't this useful for preventing fever and keeping warm?"

After Bin and Lei Lu heard them, they also looked at Wu Xiaoyin together.

Wu Xiaoyin touched his nose and said, "Xiaokai, your spirit of experimentation is really worth admiring. You are not afraid of something wrong, but this is called ginger in our place, but it can be called giant ginger here. It does have the effect of preventing fever and cold and keeping warm."

After listening to this, Bin concluded.

"So plants like giant spicy fruit and giant ginger, if you give it to a person's hot feeling can have the effect of preventing illness?"

After listening to Wu Xiaoyin, he nodded and shook his head.

Everyone didn't know what it meant. Wu Xiaoyin said embarrassedly, "I'm not very clear, because I'm not a medical student. What effect can these plants have? It's very clear that I know the role of these two plants is because it is the most basic common sense in our place, so I understand that I am not very clear about more professional knowledge."

Bin said after listening. " Although disrespectful, I still want to know, since it is common sense, why does the Wu Xiaonuo female know so much knowledge about herbs and trauma, but?"

Xiaokai stopped talking when Bin was halfway and couldn't help asking. Said.

"But what, but?"

Wu Xiaonuo continued with Bin's words. "But that female doesn't know the most basic common sense, right? This is because in our place these two plants are mostly used for cooking. It is estimated that the female is either the giant wolf tribe that did not show these plants, or he has no knowledge of cooking, otherwise it is impossible to explain why the Orc Continent still does not find these plants and uses them better."

After that, Wu Xiaonuo spread his hands, saying that he was not very clear. But to a certain extent, Wu Xiaonuo is the truth, that female has indeed mastered the six masters of cooking, and he still knows nothing!

Xiao Kai's divergent thinking came out again at this time, saying.

"In this case, plants and fruits with weird tastes have various uses. As long as they are non-toxic, we can all try to see. See if it can be used for other purposes, such as..."

Wu Xiaoyin felt that Xiao Kai was right and asked, "For example, what?"

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
I wonder what happened to the first Wu who transversed :)

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs:I wonder what happened to the first Wu who transversed :)

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