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Wu Xiaoyin looked at Bin in confusion, and asked, "What do you want to discuss with me and Lei Lu?"

Xiao Kai said with a grin, "Xiao Xiao, don't you know this is Bin sending Xin say what, in fact, we find you have nothing to do, is this time too busy, we have some friends want you, while we have nothing to do, we went looking to see if there is nothing to eat, right? you know this I have been eating barbecue every day for a while, and there is no fruit or wild vegetables. I am so tired of eating. Are you okay?"

"Oh, I thought you really have something to ask for us. In that case, we will go out. Look for something delicious, but have you eaten all your sauerkraut, pickles, canned fruit, pickled fruit, and dried fruit?" Wu Xiaoyin thought that Xiaokai and Bin had been searching home for fear of one.

The terrible end of the cold season can only eat animal meat.

"I have eaten it a long time ago, so we have lived on all kinds of animal meat during this time. Look at my mouth and it's starting to foam." Xiao Kai said, pointing to his swollen mouth corners.

Wu Xiaoyin was a little surprised and asked, "You have all eaten so much? How did you eat?"

Hearing this, Xiao Kai said angrily, "How could it be that we finished eating by ourselves? Father likes it. , And rushed with me, really, and Kos also came to join me from time to time, you know how big the orcs' food intake, they eat so nonsense, but it will soon disappear, in the growing season just a few days before I finished eating."

Wu Xiaoyin glanced sympathetically at Xiaokai and Bin, and said, "Then when we come back, you will have dinner at my house. Just bring some sauerkraut and pickles when we go back. Go back with the fruit."

Xiao Kai jumped and cheered, "Xiaoxiao, you know you are the best!"

Bin also said with a smile, "Thank you."

Wu Xiaoyin waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, I Knowing that females will feel uncomfortable if they do not eat fruits and wild vegetables for a long time, you shouldn't be too used to orcs!"

Bin smiled and said, "It's not as exaggerated as Xiaokai said. We haven't eaten any fruit or wild vegetables for more than a month. Actually, Father and Feng didn't eat much, but we watched that they liked to eat. Let them eat a few good meals!
Is it possible that your Lei Lu wants to eat and you still don't give it?"

"Of course I do, but that is our fruit and wild vegetables enough to meet the needs of both of us. You are too used to them, but I know that the fruits and wild vegetables you collected during the harvest season last year are enough for your own needs and the needs of Uncle Qingke and Uncle Axing, and you can also eat several teething sacrifices for the orcs. Well! It's not that you are reluctant to have a shortage! But are you reluctant to bear Uncle Fu and Uncle Qiong or are you reluctant to bear Kos and Feng?" Wu Xiaoyin's eyes flashed teasing.

Xiao Kai yelled loudly when he heard it, "How is it possible? Of course, I can't bear to see my father watching us eating. Do you think that, Bin?"

Bin also nodded in agreement and said. " That's natural."

All the way to the north forest, Wu Xiaoyin thought about a piece of bamboo that Lei Lu accidentally brought back, but it was already the cold season.

Wu Xiaoyin thought let's take a look next year.

Since he have been out shopping with Xiaokai and Bin this year, it's time to see if these bamboo shoots are there?

Xiaokai yelled and led the way, and almost didn't take Wu Xiaoyin and Bin to the ditch.

Fortunately, Lei Lu, Kos and Feng who were after the meeting were found, otherwise Wu Xiaoyin would definitely have to fall into the sky.

However, Wu Xiaoyin was not frightened at all, but Lei Lu who rushed over was quite frightened, especially when he saw the panic that his small body was about to fall, Lei Lu really used his whole body strength.

He can keep himself from trembling as much as possible, but the trembling fingertips and the slight breath of breath can still clearly feel Lei u's anxiety.

Wu Xiaoyin just followed Lei Lu's strength and nestled in Lei Lu's arms and said, "It's okay, don't worry, am I not good?"

Lei Lu's voice hurriedly said, "That's because we just rushed here. If I didn't hug you in time, you would have to fall down. It seems that I should always hold you in my arms. Here, this is the safest way."

Wu Xiaoyin knew that the cruel moment was coming again, thinking that last year, there was a period of time when he didn't see the green forest and blue sky outside.

It was really miserable! 

Hurriedly said.

"Don't, I promise I will wait for you to take me out afterwards, OK, just let me see if there are any ripe fruits and wild vegetables in the growing season, OK?"

Lei Lu looked at his little eyes. , Asked: "You promise?"

Wu Xiaoyin coaxed and said, "Of course, I promise."

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
OOh~~ Oh~~ I always keep in mind he has weak body here and this is not his world so ~~understandable~~

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs: OOh~~ Oh~~ I always keep in mind he has weak body here and this is not his world so ~~understandable~~

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