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Fortunately, Li and Alu, who arrived at the Giant Tiger tribe early, wanted to find Lei Lu and Wu Xiaoyin.

Li couldn't care about this situation.

He picked up Xiaokai and rushed to Wu Xiaoyin's house. Wu Xiaoyin in the house heard Bin's voice also walked out the door quickly, and when he opened the door, he just saw Xiao Kai coming back in his arms.

Xiao Kai's unconscious and limp hands frightened Wu Xiaoyin, and his trembling voice said, "Bin, you... go and find Kos and the others, your feet are fast."

Bin was called back to God by Xiaoxiao voice, and finally stabilized, and quickly walked towards the tribal square where the Lei Lu three people were.

It turned out that the giant tiger tribe was about to undertake the exchange day activities, so the patriarch called Lei Lu and the three to a meeting.

Unexpectedly, Lei pinched the gap while the three were away, and actually did something to hurt Xiao Kai.

Wu Xiaoyin and ALu followed Li and put Xiao Kai into the guest room. Wu Xiaoyin looked at Xiao Kai's blood-red face, raised his eyes and said, "Hey, please bring the sacrifice here. Hurry up!"

Li nodded solemnly and became animal-shaped, a gray wolf, rushed to the sacrificial house. Relying on the immature power bestowed by the beast god, Alu temporarily stabilized Xiao Kai's situation, and could not do anything for the rest, but could only bring the sacrifice back quickly in prayer.

Since Wu Xiaoyin's last production, Alu has been taken back to the giant wolf tribe and popularized the breeding industry.

After all, the giant wolf tribe is too far north and not suitable for large-scale planting.

Each female focuses on his own on the designated land. The favorite wild vegetables can be regarded as self-entertainment. 

He was thinking about the tribe's plan to exchange stone house construction techniques with the Giant Tiger tribe.

He could also live in a warm stone house and he was very happy about this exchange day. He urged Li to bring him here early. Fortunately, he came early. What can he do for Xiaokai.

Soon they came back with the sacrifice, and Lei Lu and the three also rushed back. 

It was the first time that Wu Xiaoyin saw Kos's expressionless face, just looking at the priest's diagnosis woodenly.

When the priest ordered Alu to cook the medicine, he asked hoarsely.

"Uncle Luo, Xiaokai How?"

The priest sighed heavily and said straightforwardly. "No, I am afraid that Xiao Kai can only fall asleep during this period. His body is very good. There will be no problems in a short period of time, that is, a long period of sleep. It will hurt Xiaokai's body a lot."

Kos wiped his face and returned. "I know, when will Xiaokai wake up?"

The priest shook his head and said, "I'm not very sure about this, I can only say fter Xiaokai's body is repaired from self-protection, he will wake up. During this time, the cubs in his stomach will absorb the energy in Xiaokai's body. This is the worst. You must find a way to feed Xiaokai eats."

Kos nodded blankly, wondering if he heard the sacrificial words, "Uncle Luo, if it's okay, can I take Xiao Kai home?"

Luo said embarrassedly. "It's better not to move, but if you insist, carry the bed back."

Kos looked at the three orcs in the room, with silent requests in his eyes, and the three of Lei Lu patted one by one. He patted Kos on the shoulder, and one foot raised the bed and walked steadily towards Kos's house.

When Wu Xiaoyin went out, he saw that the room was surrounded by orcs and the captured Lei.

Lei looked completely lifeless at this time. He just didn't know what was going on in the previous state. Wu Xiaoyin was not at ease. He wanted to follow it, but found a resistance behind him.

When he lowered his head, he saw four pairs of eyes full of anxiety. He knelt down and touched his head one by one. He raised his head and said to Alu and Bin, "Let's take a look first. I'll wait for them to fall asleep before going over. ."

Alu and Bin nodded, and walked away. After all, no one can trust Xiaokai at this time.

Wu Xiaoyin coaxed the four cubs to sleep and watched the three cubs shrink in Cora's belly.

Cora's body was also curled up, thinking that what had happened just now scared them.

When Lei Lu and Li and A Lu came back, Lei Lu took Xiao Xiao to see Xiao Kai. When Xiao Kai and Kos's house were reached, the father and father of the two families had already guarded him, and there was another one.

The patriarch and Uncle Hen with an angry face, and the father and father of Lei and Lei, but never saw the orc of the Giant Leopard Tribe.

Lei Lu stood silently holding Xiao Xiao aside, waiting for the results of the patriarch's punishment, "Le, didn't I say that you were not allowed to return to the giant tiger tribe? You dared to run back privately, and you made Xiao Kai now  was in a coma, do you really think what I said before was just for fun?"

Dad Le couldn't help crying finally, begging. "Patriarch, Le has already known that he was wrong. He will never come back again. He only missed us this time. He will come back to see us."

Kun roared like Hong Zhong. "Do you look at him as if he knew what was wrong? Did you push Kai to the ground? Did you know that Xiao Kai and the cubs in his stomach are dangerous?"

"Okay, that's great, his cubs are gone, and his cubs are gone, that's great!" Lei, who had been silent, suddenly roared like crazy, and the ferocious eyes were mixed with tears.

Wu Xiaoyin no longer knows what words to describe when he hears this.

Now Xiaokai is falling asleep and wondering what will happen in the future. It turned out to be the jealousy of a dad who lost his cub, and even transferred all his sins to the same pregnancy.


This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
He will not die...this is happy life ...


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