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After a lively lunch, Lei Lu, Wu Xiaoyin and others went to the grassland where the ramie was and the valley where the cotton was.

Wu Xiaoyin confirmed that it was the raw material for the clothes he needed, and the group was cheered.

Wu Xiaoyin used the sheepskin rolls he drew about the production process of ramie and the structure of the loom.

This is really thanks to Wu Xiaoyin's previous trip to the southwest region.

The ethnic minorities still retain the traditional weaving technology.

Wu Xiaoyin is fine.

After careful observation for a long time, he understood the manufacturing principle.

Before that, Wu Xiaoyin had already drawn all the necessary looms, cotton, ramie, linen, etc., to make clothes from the raw materials, machines, and clothing steps, saving a lot of effort.

Since then, Wu Xiaoyin did not participate on the exchange day, and stayed at the Giant Tiger Tribe to make cotton and linen cloths.

As for cotton clothes or quilts, we can only see if there is enough fabric at that time.  Are you afraid that you don't have time in the cold season!

 When the harvest festival was over again, Wu Xiaoyin looked at the gradually enlarged black spots on the horizon until it became a giant beast that could block the sun.

Wu Xiaoyin knew that this was the patriarch leading the people back.

Wu Xiaoyin knew the specific content of this exchange day from Xiaokai for the first time, and the dialogue was as follows:

"Xiao Xiao, do you know, the animal skins, herbs, and animal meat that everyone brought this time are so few, it seems the main purpose? It's just for exchanging information, but..."

"Why don't you say half of it, this is the most annoying behavior!" Wu Xiaoyin said with a little sullen voice.

"Hey, I don't want to see if you are listening to me seriously, do you know that our pottery is the key point of exchange for all tribes this time? There will be a giant bear tribe when we arrive on the first day. Lanshi and the giant wolf tribe asked Li, and the transaction was completed on the first day of the formal transaction."

The light in Xiao Kai's eyes directed at Wu Xiaoyin.

Wu Xiaoyin nodded calmly without accident, and then asked, "What then?"

"Then, of course, I received sour words from the Giant Snake Tribe and the Giant Fox Tribe, but the patriarch ignored them. You don't know how annoying the lotus is, and you kept asking why Lei Lu didn't come. I Just go straight back to him, of course he is with you, it's really shameful!"

 Wu Xiaoyin thought that the female who had met once was indeed a person who was not easy to get rid of, especially the females in the Orc Continent.

Some of them have been spoiled.

"What about the exchange of the coarse salt of the Giant Snake Tribe and the light yarn of the Giant Fox Tribe?"     

Xiaokai smiled a little gleefully.

"The situation in the Giant Fox Tribe is okay. After all, we are on the exchange day this year. There are no cotton and linen as trade items in the game, so there are still some tribal orcs trading with them, but the most important thing now is of course the issue of food and clothing. Compared with previous years, the number of exchanges is much less. And our tribe will continue to trade with them this year. Part of the marinated animal meat is used as a trade item, so there is less trade in the coarse salt of the giant snake tribe. Therefore, when I see the orcs of the giant snake tribe looking at our eyes, they all want to eat us, but I think they also without the guts, hehehe!"     

"So we are still in a good situation this time?" Wu Xiaoyin said affirmatively.     

Xiao Kai proudly stood up and said, "That is!"     

As for the situation of other tribes on the exchange day, Wu Xiaoyin was still carried by Lei Lu to the patriarch's house.

It turned out that this year's western giant lion tribe and giant leopard tribe belonged to water and food problems can already be described as serious.

After all, the drought this year is even worse than last year.     

As for the giant bear tribe in the south, it's okay.

After all, it's closer to the north and the temperature is not so high.

However, there are still some females and cubs that have sunburns. As for the giant fox tribe and giant snake tribe in the farthest south, it should have been the most fertile land, as a result, many plants have now been sun-dried to death.

The animals that used to stay in the south all year round could not stand the high temperature and migrated to the north.

Therefore, the life threats of females and cubs, food shortages, and dry water sources are all problems.

A series of giant snake tribe and giant fox tribe are forced to a very difficult situation.

What makes the situation worse is the reduction in the amount of animal meat exchanged during the exchange day this year, and the giant snake tribe and the giant fox tribe did not have enough herbs, animal skins, and the giant tiger tribe to trade preserved animal meat.

Therefore, at the end of the exchange day. Lin and Ken both found the patriarch who wanted to credit a portion of the beast meat, and returned it when the abnormal situation was over.

The patriarch looked at the haggard Lin, Ken and their clansmen and agreed.

Wu Xiaoyin, who received the news, thought that the situation in the south was even more serious.

After all, as a hot-hit area, it was also very humid and hot, and it was not infected by mosquitoes and other insects.

The orc system in the Orc Continent is strong enough.

As for whether the hot season next year will be more serious, no one knows the specific situation.

However, Wu Xiaoyin thought about the smile of offering sacrifice to Uncle Luo, and was confident about the coming next year.

At least this year, he was not roared by the patriarch's beast. It makes people panic, wondering if the situation is more serious.

When the first snow fell in the cold season, Wu Xiaoyin was already sleeping soundly in Lei Lu's arms wrapped in warm quilts.

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
♡♡♡ Take care ♡♡♡

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs: ♡♡♡ Take care ♡♡♡

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