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Wu Xiaoyin watched Lin and Ken wailing in pain in the bone-erupting fire, until silent, the howling sound filled Wu Xiaoyin's eardrums, making Wu Xiaoyin feel uncomfortable inexplicably, but this was the first time Lei Lu did not hug Wu Xiaoyin.

In his arms, but let Wu Xiaoyin face to watch and feel.

Sometimes you have to believe in the existence of the beast gods. Lin and Ken slowly turned into ashes. There was another gust of wind that blew the ashes away.

Wu Xiaoyin's eyes were filled with gray dust, moisturizing the orc continent.

Linc and Ken finally brought a reward for the entire Orc Continent.

Originally, the pace of leaving was held back by Lin and Ken's affairs.

After all, the Giant Fox Tribe and the Giant Snake Tribe had no patriarch, and there were no patriarch candidates with leadership capabilities.

The remaining patriarchs were discussing solutions to the matter.

The patriarchs discussed with him.

Wu Xiaoyin and Lei Lu went to the colorful hot spring again.

This time, Wu Xiaoyin developed another function after making pottery, the hot spring chicken stewed with mushrooms, and everyone was satisfied and yelled.

It turns out that in addition to being beautiful and being able to take a bath, this hot spring can also cook rice.

It was really a violent thing before!

After eating and drinking so many times, Alu has become a fan of Wu Xiaoyin's meal, and she sighs, "How come Xiaoxiao is not from our tribe? So I can often eat Xiaoxiao's cooking!"

Xiaokai slanted as he glanced at Alu, then glanced at Lei Lu surreptitiously, and said, "Xiao Xiao is of our tribe, so don't think about it, and I told you that Lei Lu didn't let Xiao Xiao cook for us. To eat, you can only eat the food that Lei Lu passes through the little finger. These days, because Lei Lu can't cook some dishes, we will have the opportunity to eat the food that Leilu made. You don't know in the Giant Tiger Tribe. It's been a long time since I had eaten Xiaoxiao's own meals. If there was such a chance to come to the exchange day every year, how great would it be!"

Wu Xiaoyin looked at Xiaokai and Alu with both eyes.

Dreaming about something, the halazi at the corner of his mouth was about to shed, and he said, "Hurry up and wipe the drool? You still treat yourself as a cub?"

After Xiaokai heard it, he wiped the corners of his mouth with his sleeve, and replied stupidly.

"No, how can there be saliva?"

Alu smiled back and said, "We were still cubs, but I will be an adult next year, Xiaokai, when will you come of age?"

Kos continued with a pity. "Xiaokai still has two years to go. I'll be able to reach adulthood, I still have to wait!"

Everyone laughed as they watched Kos's anxious and sad expressions.

Datta took walker's hand and showed Kos intimately.

An angry Kos grabbed Xiao Kai, yelling something, and the cheeky Xiao Kai flushed with shame.

Alu looked up and asked Xiaoxiao who was in Lei Lu's arms.

"Xiaoxiao, when did you become an adult? I remember the first time we met. As you said, you and Xiaokai became adults in the same year. However, I don't think you look like an adult at all!"

Wu Xiaoyin glared at ALu, and exclaimed.

"Can you speak, why am I not an adult? You didn't see how... how healthy is it?"

Datta looked at Xiaoxiao and everything was small, especially when he looked a little thinner than when we met two years ago, and joked, "I also don't think Xiaoxiao looks like an adult. He is small, like a teenage female cub, it will be very hard to become an adult!"

After speaking, he glanced at Lei Lu, then turned his eyes back to Wu Xiaoyin, back and forth several times.

No matter how dull Wu Xiaoyin was, he knew what Datta meant, and said hurriedly.

"Hurry up, don't you see that the sky is getting dark? Hurry up, hurry up ..." 

Wu Xiaoyin grabbed Lei Lu's hair and hurriedly urged Lei Lu.

Lei Lu walked back to the camp of the Giant Tiger Tribe with the little Shi Shiran in his arms, leaving the rest of the people behind.

In the laughter of Wu Xiaoyin and others, the patriarchs finally negotiated, that is, on the exchange day next year, the priests of the seven tribes will gather together in the center of the continent and finally choose whether there is a patriarch suitable for the giant fox tribe and the giant snake tribe.

If not, then it will be the revolution of the entire Orc Continent, and the structure of the Orc Continent may be about to be broken.

The patriarch of the giant bear tribe, Kakhan, returned to his camp with a face.

You must know that the giant snake tribe and the giant fox tribe are the closest to the giant bear tribe. If the patriarch is not selected, it is very likely that most of the giant snake tribe and The tribe of the giant fox tribe will become the tribe of the giant bear tribe.

Patriarch Kakhan looked at the camps of the Giant Snake Tribe and the Giant Fox Tribe not far away, thinking of their cunning and intractable, and felt like crying without tears.

What Kakhan most hopes now is to be able to elect the patriarch at that time, but look the previous situation, he know that the possibility is very small, hey!

No matter how the patriarch of the giant bear tribe lamented, the exchange day event ended so vigorously.

When Wu Xiaoyin and others were about to leave for the tribe, they met Lian who was more emaciated than before, and Lian's request.

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
Lian what are you planning?

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs: Lian what are you planning?

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A Happy Life Across The Orc Continent [ Danmei MTL ]Where stories live. Discover now