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However, the head of Wu Xiaoyin, who was held in Lei Lu's arms, only reached Lei Lu's eyes.

The whole thing was the sense of sight of an adult holding a child.

Wu Xiaoyin did not have much confidence to refute this female's words.

Lei Lu felt the little depression in his arms, and lowered his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wu Xiaoyin replied dullly.

"It's nothing, have you finished talking?" 

Lei Lu saw Xiao Xiao pouting and bulging. His face, he don't know how cute it looks, he silently pressed his little head on his shoulder and said, "It's almost done, let's go."

After that, he wanted to take Xiao Xiao to stroll around.

However, this female of the giant wolf tribe followed Lei Lu and kept asking.

"What's your name? How young are you? How old are you? 15 years old?"

Wu Xiaoyin said when he heard this.

He couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "I'm 20 years old, okay?"

He rolled his eyes and thought: This man really has no vision.

When the female heard this, he opened his mouth in surprise, and said, "How could it be possible that you grow so small." 

Wu Xiaoyin felt that he was covered with black lines, so he stopped talking.

However, the female still reluctantly said. "Then what is your name? My name is Alu."

Wu Xiaoyin heard the female's question, but still returned.

"My name is Wu Xiaoyin."

Alu heard Wu Xiaoyin when he replied, he seemed very happy and said.

"Xiao Xiao, I am very glad to meet you, can I have fun with you?"

Although Wu Xiaoyin was a little depressed when he said that he called himself "Xiao Xiao", he saw Alu.

With a sincere look, Lei Lu returned.

"Yes, you can come and play with us when you have time." After getting the answer he wanted, he returned to the camp of the giant wolf tribe and looked at Wu Xiaoyin. Lei Lu slowly walked away.

When Wu Xiaoyin passed by the camp of the Giant Tiger tribe, he found that the orcs from other tribes were surrounded, and most of the orcs who went out to trade, such as Xiaokai and Bin, had also returned to the camp.

Wu Xiaoyin looked at Lei Lu and expressed doubt.

Lei Lu knew what was going on, so he carried Xiaoxiao into the camp and asked Feng, who was maintaining order, "Is everyone known about the cured meat?"

Feng was so busy that he was sweating.

Hearing Lei Lu's question, he said without raising his head. "Yes, so all the exchange people flocked here."

When Wu Xiaoyin heard Feng's words, he hurriedly interjected.

"It's not that this belongs to is the tribe's secrets? How could it be known to others?"

Lei Lu heard Xiao Xiao question, touched his little face, and was given a sideways glance. Of course, Lei Lu looked almost like a wink. His own heart thumped and thumped, and while eating soft tofu, he said, "The method of production is of course confidential, but the excess animal meat can be replaced with warm fur and precious herbs, otherwise how could we bring it this time? So much marinated animal meat?"

Wu Xiaoyin realized Lei Lu's explanation and asked, "Then why did we not see you bring some animal meat in exchange?"

Of course Lei Lu would not tell. Xiao Xiao, he can't bear the fur that other orcs hit on Xiao Xiao's body, so he said, "We don't need it in our house. Think about the fur and herbs in the corner, right?"

Wu Xiaoyin thought as he think so, looking at Lei Lu's eyes for praise and petting, he pulled Lei Lu's stubble hair and said, "Lei Lu, you are so great, a good hunter! Are you satisfied?"

Lei Lu cleared his throat embarrassedly, and said.

"Xiaoxiao, let's see if we can help."

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
You're just possessive Haha :)

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs: You're just possessive Haha :)

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