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At this time, Lei Lu finally had the feeling of moving a rock and hitting his foot.

Although Lei Lu didn't know such a statement, his current mood was so depressed and weak.

The one who wandered around in the tribe was also himself, and he couldn't treat his father like Xiao Kai and Kos and others, otherwise he would be beaten.

When Lei Lu's mood was low, he received the soft call of his own little boy, and immediately returned to his soul.

"What's wrong? Xiaoxiao, is there anything you want to do?"

Wu Xiaoyin saw Lei Lu for the first time. Respond to himself in time, not knowing why he feel a little uncomfortable, "I want you to do me a favor, can you completely crush the giant rice? Of course, with tools."

Next, Wu Xiaoyin mashed the pot of medicine.

The magnified version of the painting was painted on a giant sheep animal skin with a small burnt wooden stick.

This kind of drawing has been preserved since Wu Xiaoyin painted it.

Now there are several sketches of various tools.

Lei Lu saw this tool and said that it was not difficult, and quickly made an enlarged version of the bowl with the remaining stones, and rolled the giant rice that Wu Xiaoyin needed. 

Wu Xiaoyin tried to make a face, but he didn't expect it to succeed!? 

Sure enough, can't everything in the different world be determined by common sense?

After making the noodles, pulling them into strips and cutting them into small dumplings, Wu Xiaoyin looked everywhere for sticks that could be used as noodle sticks.

At this time, Lei Lu's role was perfectly reflected.

He used his claws to cut the wood into small dumplings.

The sticks and sticks suitable for your own use.

Wu Xiaoyin quickly turned the small dumplings into dumpling skins with a stick, and then asked Daddy and Lei Lu to help.

As you can imagine, Lei Lu's hands were completely unable to hold a small dumpling skin to make dumplings.

For his difficult movements, he can only retreat to the side to pour water on Xiao Xiao's tea.

The dumplings were completed with the efforts of Wu Xiaoyin and Dad, and it took less than an hour in total. 

Ada and Lei Yan, who came to pick up his own magnet, was tempted by dumplings, and the family happily ate dinner.

Everyone loves the dumplings stuffed with pickled cabbage and bacon.

Lei Lu and father even each ate hundreds of dumplings.

Each dumpling is twice the size of the dumplings Wu Xiaoyin had eaten on the earth before. Don't admire the good appetites of the two!

Satisfied Daddy and father took the hats, gloves and hand warmers that Wu Xiaoyin made before and left.

After Lei Lu packed up the dishes, he boiled hot water and let Xiao Xiao take a bath in a small room separated.

Wu Xiaoyin in the big wooden barrel was soaked and drowsy.

Suddenly he heard Lei Lu's slightly depressed voice.

"Xiao Xiao, next time you just cook for me, okay ?" 

Wu Xiaoyin heard Lei Lu's voice, knowing why Lei Lu's mood has not been high today, Lei Lu did not respond to his pain in time before disappeared. Knowing Lei Lu's strong possessiveness, Wu Xiaoyin didn't have any rebellious emotions.

He gently followed Lei Lu's words and said. "Okay, I will cook for you all by myself in the future, but if father, and Dad or Xiaokai. How about you do it if they come?"

Lei Lu nodded happily, thinking that Xiao Xiao couldn't see it again, raised his voice a little and went back. "Okay, Xiao Xiao will teach me how to do it in the future. When they came, I was making them for them."

Lei Lu was a little worried after hearing a little voice for a long time, and thought of the difference between male and female, but when he thought of Xiaoxiao situation, he didn't care about anything, and opened the curtain.

He saw Xiaoxiao already asleep in the tub.

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
~Why Lei Lu why ............

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs: ~Why Lei Lu why

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