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Although there was a lot of thinking in his mind, Datta did not show anything on his face.

Instead, he stared at Wu Xiaoyin curiously, and then said, "My name is Datta, and I am a female of the Giant Lion Tribe."

Wu Xiaoyin seeing Datta staring at him eagerly, Wu Xiaoyin was very calm, and said with a smile. "Hello, my name is Wu Xiaoyin."

Datta looked at Wu Xiaoyin with shining eyes and said. "You look so petite, yet it's called'Xiaoxiao', it's so cute!"

As for why Datta is so excited, it is because the females of the giant lion tribe themselves are taller than the average females. The females of the Orc Continent are about 1.9 meters tall. But Wu Xiaoyin saw that the height of the females of the entire giant lion tribe was about 2 meters, so he can imagine his fascination with small things including people.

Even Wu Xiaoyin saw Datta's ready to move claws and tried to control himself to put it down, but the claws still involuntarily lifted up, and the desire to touch Wu Xiaoyin kept increasing.

Wu Xiaoyin hurriedly interrupted the green light in Datta's swollen eyes, and said, "Datta, are there any special plants or animals in the Giant Lion Tribe?"

Datta heard the question from the little female and quickly put away a gaffe, he said.

"Our giant lion tribe does not have any unique items. If there are any, this is it." After speaking, he pointed to the males of the giant lion tribe lying under the tree.

Wu Xiaoyin's big eyes expressed puzzlement.

Datta saw Wu Xiaoyin blinking his eyes and "selling cute", his saliva was about to drain, and he hurriedly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and answered the question in Wu Xiaoyin's eyes.

"The whole Orc Continent the laziest male is a specialty of our giant lion tribe. Would you like to see if you want it?"

Lei Lu interrupted when Datta was about to introduce the male's posture to Xiaoxiao, "Well, since the giant lion tribe we've already seen it, let's go see the last giant leopard tribe?"

After finishing speaking, before Wu Xiaoyin could answer, he didn't even look at Datta on the side, and walked away.

Datta saw Lei Lu's possessiveness, and quickly said to the female around him, and followed Lei Lu and his group towards the neighbor and opponent of the Giant Lion Tribe, the Giant Leopard Tribe.

There is a large amount of animal skins in the giant leopard tribe's camp. Wu Xiaoyin saw that the amount was about two-thirds of the total amount of all the other six tribes. From this they can see how many animal skins are on the ground. 

Anyway, Wu Xiaoyin was buried in the place where he was completely invisible.

Datta saw the cute Xiaowei with his mouth open and looked surprised, and explained to Xiaoxiao.

"The opposite of the male laziness of the Giant Lion tribe is the hard work of the males of the Giant Leopard tribe."

Xiao Kai also explained.

"Yes, the males of the Giant Leopard Tribe are known for their speed, so the speed of their hunting prey is relatively fast, and the amount of animal skins accumulated is considerable."

Wu Xiaoyin couldn't help but look at Xiaokai with admiration. Xiao Kai, who has never been tuned, can still say such a thing!

However, Wu Xiaoyin's change in Xiaokai did not last long.

Datta continued.

0p"This is actually the opinion of the orcs of other tribes on the hunting of the Giant Leopard Tribe. In fact, this is only the result of a contest between the Giant Leopard Tribe and the Giant Lion Tribe. That's it."

Wu Xiaoyin was very curious about this. After all, the Giant Lion Tribe is the second strongest tribe in the entire Orc Continent, but the traded items seen in the Giant Lion Tribe's camp before were mostly herbal, and the number of animal skins did not exceed.

Wu Xiaoyin's surprise on the contrary, seeing the giant leopard tribe with such a large number of animal skins, if this is the result of a contest between the giant lion tribe and the giant leopard tribe, then the number of animal skins of the giant lion tribe should also be considerable, that's right!

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
Oh---contest haha lazy and hardworking :)

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs: Oh---contest haha lazy and hardworking :)

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