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However, Wu Xiaoyin still underestimated the fear in his heart.

The reality is always crueler than imagined.

In the second month of the hot season, the entire tribe was working overtime to store water, for fear that the same large water and continuous heavy rain as the previous hot season would cause water pollution.

Wu Xiaoyin is not allowed to do it at home, but he can't take it easy, thinking about what he can do, such as cribs, baby cradles, small wooden horses, and rattles.

Models of objects such as cribs, baby cradles, small wooden horses, and rattles are made by themselves and can be given as gifts to babies born at that time.

The final crib model was built, and when he was done, he heard Xiaokai with a loud voice running all the way, shouting all the way.

"He is going to give birth, he is about to give birth." Wu Xiaoyin raised his eyes and asked Xiaokai who was panting.

"What is going to give birth? Make it clear? It's not that Bin is giving birth, right?"

Xiao Kai nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, I was just going to give Bin some scented tea that I dried myself, but I haven't gotten married yet. Bin said a few words, and Bin's stomach began to hurt, and then I was shocked. Fortunately, Feng was very calm and asked Kos to call for a sacrifice. I was thinking about coming to you. Maybe we will still be able to. What can I do to help?"

Wu Xiaoyin heard it and took Xiaokai towards the Bin's house, and said, "We have to prepare hot water, stone scissors or stone knives, light yarns, these things that will be useful at that time. "

Soon, the two rushed to the Bin's house, but they saw the sacrifice of a small gray tiger cub in their hands, and Wu Xiaoyin and Xiao Kai were stunned.

The priest tidied up the cubs, looked up, and found two people in a sluggish state, and asked strangely.

"What are you standing at the door stupidly? Come and see the cubs. I'm going to see Bin's situation. "The two nodded subconsciously, and looked at the cub with surprise in their eyes. 

However, the priest walked to the bedroom, and there was no one to solve the puzzle. The two could only stare at the cub without blinking, for fear of something wrong.

Lei Lu came back from hunting but didn't see Xiaoxiao. He came to Bin's house after smelling the smell. Then he asked about the bloody smell. He hurriedly walked into the house and saw his cute little Xiaoxiao, staring straight at Hui. The cub who didn't fall into the autumn had wide-eyed eyes, and looked surprised and pleasantly surprised.

"What's wrong, keep looking at the cubs, if you like, we will give you a few more to play with." Lei Lu said, holding Xiao Xiao in his arms.

Wu Xiaoyin looked up at Lei Lu and asked in a daze, "Didn't Xiaokai say that giving birth to cubs is painful? Does it take a whole day to give birth? How can Bin give birth to cubs so quickly?"

Lei Lu was asked.

"I'm not very clear about this. I will ask about the sacrifice later? By the way, there is still a breath of Kos here. Where has Kos gone, why only leave you two here?"

Wu Xiaoyin and Xiao Kai are not very clear about Kos either. Where did he go? He only know that Kos was going to take the sacrifice to Bin's house and deliver the baby to Bin, but when Wu Xiaoyin and Xiao Kai arrived at the Bin's house, Kos was no longer visible.

At exactly this time, the priest appeared from the bedroom and said.

"I have asked Kos to catch the tender giant pig beast cubs. When the time comes, I will stew the soup for Bin to drink, and Bin's body can recover faster."

Wu Xiaoyin thought of pig's feet strangely.

Soybean soup, this is an indescribable soup!

However, the newly-born cubs here drink the juice of giant pink fruit, and now they can drink honey water, rice cereal, rice soup, etc.

Wu Xiaoyin was relieved, one is for the cub's rations.

The second is for his own three-view problem, and he can't be too offline, haha!

"Then can we go see Bin now? How is Bin's situation?" Wu Xiaoyin asked with some worry.

Uncle Luo held the cub and checked his body carefully. "Bin is fine, he is healthy, but he is a little tired. Now that he has fallen asleep, please don't go there, so as not to wake him up."

So Wu Xiaoyin, Bin and Lei Lu waited until Kos caught the giant pig beast cub, and after they had cleaned it up together, the four left Bin's house and went to Lei Lu and Wu Xiaoyin's house to solve the dinner problem.

After Bin had just given birth, he was very nervous, and now he screamed as soon as he relaxed. Xiaokai and Kos went hand in hand to Lei Lu and Wu Xiaoyin's house for a meal.

As a result, the hot season passed amidst the high mental tension of everyone, except that the temperature once soared to 35 degrees Celsius, which passed peacefully.

However, in such a hot weather, wearing light gauze is too hot, but some people still wear animal skins, and even fainted from heat stroke.

Fortunately, there is nothing serious about it, but most of the people who fainted were fainted. It's females and cubs, so scared males don't want them.

Wu Xiaoyin was thinking about finding cotton or flax this year, but looking at the material of light yarn, it should be more cotton. Wu Xiaoyin set a goal for himself-cotton during the harvest season.

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
How did he give birth??? eh???

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs: How did he give birth??? eh???

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