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Only when Lei Lu stopped, he held Wu Xiaoyin in one hand and the giant spicy fruit in the other. Wu Xiaoyin saw that if he continued to pick, Lei Lu couldn't hold much in his hand, and he could even say that he ignored it.

So he looked around and saw a huge willow tree in front of him, and Lei Lu walked towards it. Lei Lu put down the giant spicy fruit, followed the little command to break down the branches of the giant willow tree and handed it to Wu Xiaoyin.

Wu Xiaoyin took the branches and slowly removed the leaves from the branches. A leaf was as big as Wu Xiaoyin's palm, showing the height of the giant willow tree.

Seeing that Xiao Xiao was busy breaking off the leaves, Lei Lu sat under the giant willow tree holding the little female, waiting for Xiao Xiao to finish what he wanted to do.

At this time, Wu Xiaoyin wanted to use wicker to make a rattan frame to hold the picked fruits and vegetables. 

The branches after the leaves were removed slowly formed into a vine frame in Wu Xiaoyin's hands.

Of course, for Wu Xiaoyin, who is a student of architecture, his hand skills must be lit, otherwise how to build the architectural model. When Wu Xiaoyin was traveling in the south, he saw the skills used by the locals to make ends meet.

After seeing it several times, it is no problem for Wu Xiaoyin's with strong hand-made skills.

At first, Lei Lu only looked at the cute and serious face with his mouth pursed, but when the wicker frame was gradually taking shape, his face slowly became serious, because it is suitable for females who like to collect and males who hunt. The benefits of things are obvious.

Lei Lu saw Xiaoxiao's happy face after finishing the wicker frame, and said, "Xiaoxiao, this thing is unique to you, isn't it? Because in the Orc Continent I have not seen such a convenient harvesting and collecting prey. "

Wu Xiaoyin heard what Leiu said, and after thinking about it, he understood that the living standard of the Orc Continent is still equivalent to the barbaric period.

After all, the orcs still live in caves and the food is not abundant.

This is different from the invention of tools. No relationship. 

Therefore, Wu Xiaoyin looked at Lei Lu's eyes and said, "Lei Lu, this is the place where I live. It is one of the commonly used tools. It is very common and not unique. The place where I live is much more convenient and comfortable than here."

When Lei Lu heard this, Wu Xiaoyin could clearly see the dimness in his eyes. Wu Xiaoyin stared at Lei Lu and said, "But, Leilu, I like this place very much, not because you and I have said that I came here. The rule that people can't go back, but I really like the mountains and waters here, the simplicity and simplicity here, and the most important thing is the love and care that you, Father, Bin, and Xiaokai have shown me. I like it. The place where I lived before. I have never owned it. I am grateful for being here. Really."

After Lei Lu listened, he put the wicker frame aside and hugged the little female tightly.

He didn't say it, just silently said in his heart.

From now on, you are not alone.

After calming down, Lei Lu said to the short novel.

"Will you continue to look for it?"

Wu Xiaoyin said enthusiastically. "Of course, let's go."

He said that he wanted to jump out of Lei Lu's arms, but Lei Lu's eyes were quick.

He hugged tightly, and then placed the spicy fruit in a wicker frame with his back behind him and walked slowly.

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
We are not alone, and so do you :)

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs:We are not alone, and so do you :)

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A Happy Life Across The Orc Continent [ Danmei MTL ]Where stories live. Discover now