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After recovering, Wu Xiaoyin realized that Lei Lu's face seemed a little gloomy.

He hurriedly wrapped Lei Lu's neck and said, "Lei Lu, you take me closer to the river. There are often some plants on the riverside that can be eaten. "

On hearing the little words, Lei Lu's face slowly improved, and he no longer felt bad because of Xiao Kai's interruption. He picked up Xiao Xiao and slowly approached the river.

And Wu Xiaoyin did discover the edible water plants Zizania sibiricum and taro by the river. Among them, the growth environment of Zizania sibiricum is inseparable from water, which requires high requirements. 

However, as a kind of vegetable, there are many cooking methods. If it is eaten raw, it will be more refreshing, and it will have a strong meaty taste when it is fried with meat.

Therefore, it can be cooked with different ingredients to show different flavors. 

The taro has a high starch content like potatoes and sweet potatoes, and humans are more hungry after eating.

However, because taro has higher water and calorie requirements than potatoes and sweet potatoes, it is lower than wild rice. 

Therefore, it is suitable to grow in a place with high temperature and sufficient water. The most important thing is that taro can be sliced ​​and dried as a kind of food in the cold season, so its value is definitely higher and more real in the Orc Continent.

Wu Xiaoyin told Lei Lu of his findings.

Lei Lu looked at Wu Xiaoyin for a while, and held Wu Xiaoyin tightly in his arms, until Wu Xiaoyin felt that his bones were clamoring pain, Lei Lu let go.

Putting Wu Xiaoyin carefully by the river, Lei Lu walked towards the wild rice and taro near the river bank and pulled out a few. 

His eyes motioned to Wu Xiaoyin, and after seeing Wu Xiaoyin nodding, he repeatedly pulled out a few more, until Wu Xiaoyin called to stop, he cleaned his hands and feet and walked to the river bank.

At the same time, Xiaokai, Bin, Kesi, and Feng had finished eating their lunches.

Seeing the extra sapium and taro on Lei Lu's hands, Xiaokai asked, "Xiao Xiao, what is this? Can I eat it? "

Well, foodie Xiaokai and Kos stared at Wu Xiaoyin eagerly, waiting for Wu Xiaoyin's answer. Wu Xiaoyin did not live up to their desires, nodded, and said, "Yes, the bluish white is the white rice, and the brown skin is taro. Zizania is a kind of vegetable, which is also a kind of wild vegetables, and taro is eaten more as staple food with potatoes and sweet potatoes, and after being sliced ​​and dried, it can be preserved for the entire cold season, adding more hope of survival to the cold season."

After hearing this, Xiao Kai jumped up directly, and when Lei Lu's hands were still wet, when he couldn't hold Xiao Xiao, he jumped on and gave Xiao Xiao a hug, then quickly jumped away and hid behind Kos. 

But even so, Lei Lu's face was already dark. But they couldn't stop the excitement of the four Xiaokai.

Now they are able to believe Wu Xiaoyin's words more, not only because of the previous giant spicy fruit, but also because they need this kind of hope and the possibility of living better. 

The most important thing is that this is the food that existed in the place where Wu Xiaoyin lived before.

They believed that Wu Xiaoyin, the darling of the beast god, was disdainful of lying, and it was unnecessary.

In this way, while Xiao Kai pulled Kos and jumped ahead, he urged Bin and Wu Xiaoyin to hope that they could go faster so that they could find more food!

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
For food!!

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs: For food!!

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