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After returning to the camp of the Giant Tiger Tribe, Xiao Kai took the dried fruit he brought and said, "Hey, this is the dried fruit of our tribe. This one can be soaked in water. The whole glass of water is sweet and sour. The taste of fruit!"

Datta is really curious as Xiaokai said.

Bin has already filled the soaked water in a stone bowl and handed it to Datta.

Datta is also welcome. After thanking him, he took the stone. Bowl, drank a sip of dried fruit soaked water, the taste of the fruit is completely integrated into the water, a piece of giant red fruit can be soaked in such a large stone bowl of water, it is conceivable that a whole giant red fruit can be used for a long time.

Taste it to get through the entire cold season.

After drinking a whole stone bowl of water, Datta said to Lei Lu: "The Giant Lion Tribe wants to trade this dried fruit with the Giant Tiger Tribe, and the pickled fruits you said. Do you want herbs or animal skins in exchange?" 

Lei Lu knew that Datta meant that this represented the entire giant lion tribe. It should be known that the giant lion tribe was the only orc tribe with a female as the patriarch, and Datta was the most advantageous competitor and at the same time.

This time the team leader naturally has the right to make this decision.

After hearing Datta's question, Lei Lu returned. "The main item we traded this time is animal meat. You must have traded with our tribe before. This time, our dried fruits and pickled fruits are all their own. comes with tradable items, and I brought a little dried fruit and pickled fruits and you can all exchange, however, can only rest I will introduce you to the tribe, about trading still have to be yourself. "

Bin heard the conversation between the two and agreed to trade the dried and pickled fruits he brought with the giant lion tribe. As for Kos and Feng, don't expect males to like these soft fruits, and naturally they won't. bring.

When Datta heard that Lei Lu introduced himself to the orcs of the Giant Tiger Tribe, he knew that Lei Lu really wanted to help him. After all, Lei Lu had no right to decide who to trade other orcs' items with. 

Datta asked, "How can such a jar of dried and pickled fruits be traded?"

Lei Lu didn't want to collect more animal skins or herbs from Datta.

After all, he did not bring much dried and pickled fruits, but the pickled fruits are pickled with watermelon green salt.

The price is traded.

Naturally higher, Lei Lu thought for a while and said, "Dried fruit is enough for a small jar of giant rabbit animal skin. As for a jar of pickled fruit, you'll need a giant deer animal skin."

After Datta heard it, after bargaining and the deal is readily confirmed, Lei Lu will take him to communicate and trade with other tribesmen of the Giant Tiger tribe.

It wasn't until Wu Xiaoyin's stomach groaned that Wu Xiaoyin realized that it was noon, and that he hadn't eaten for many hours, no wonder his stomach was groaning with hunger.

Lei Lu could not help but feel annoyed when he heard the cry of his little belly.

He must never be hungry, but before seeing Xiao Xiao so active and happy, he was so energetic and a little fascinated, and he forgot.

Regardless of Datta, he walked towards his tent with Xiao Xiao, filling Xiao Xiao's belly is important.

Datta also heard a little belly cry on the side, and didn't care about Lei Lu's actions.

After all, Lei Lu had already introduced himself to the orcs of the Giant Tiger tribe.

The next step is to communicate with them himself, Leilu couldn't help anymore, so he didn't care about him anymore, but the cute little female was also taken away by Lei Lu, and the regret that he couldn't look at it more, passed one or two through Datta's eyes.

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
Datta energy feels like to make friends :) too bad, Lei Lu is quiet too possessive...

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs: Datta energy feels like to make friends :) too bad, Lei Lu is quiet too possessive

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