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Lei Lu would raise his hands in favor of everything in his short novel, and Kun and Luo also agreed with Xiaoxiao decision.

You must know that this is a wise man bestowed by the beast god.

Kun and Luo will not feel deprived of rights or give birth to other dark thoughts.

Thus, the orcs of the Giant Tiger tribe began a vigorous house-building movement!

Wu Xiaoyin and Lei Lu ran back and forth several times in the valley located in the giant tiger tribe, and finally decided to start from the square and expand inward in a fan shape. The patriarch and the stone house for worship are at the starting point of the tribe square, which is also the entire giant tiger tribe. The center is the single female, then the orc husband in the companionship, and finally the single orc.

As for the vacant land on both sides of the northern river, Wu Xiaoyin wanted to use it to grow giant rice and common vegetables when the water source was no longer in the coming year.

This would also reduce the risk of females going out to the tribe. Of course, this was only to meet the daily needs of females.

However, large-scale planting is not realistic, even if the orcs with great power can help to achieve large-scale planting, for the orcs, they just play planting games with females.

After all, the staple food of the orcs is still derived from the energy-rich beast meat, so Wu Xiaoyin just recorded it as one of the feasible things in the future.

After gathering the power of all the fallen orcs, females and even cubs, a model stone house was quickly built, and here he have to mention the sticky grass that played an important role here.

You must know that in the primitive orc continent. It is more difficult to find the raw materials of cement, even if the various resources of this orc continent are extremely abundant, and the difficulty of blindly searching for such things when the orcs are completely unaware of such things is still very high.

When the females overheard the degree of stickiness of their own orcs before, they would use the sticky grass as a metaphor.

Wu Xiaoyin remembered it subconsciously, but he didn't expect it to come in handy at this critical moment. 

The stones are tightly connected, using sticky grass as a binder to make the stone house strong, strong, and atmospheric, um...somewhat empty.

However, Wu Xiaoyin is a product that combines the animal shape of an orc to move around freely. Take the model stone house as an example.

It is made to sacrifice Luo's life and work. The bedroom, kitchen, living room, storage room, and basement are living place, and another connected stone house was built for the sacrifice to better accommodate the injured orcs. At the same time, a large courtyard was also set up to meet the needs of the priest to plant some herbs that were often needed, and to dry the herbs. Essential sunlight.     

As the leader of the tribe, Kun and Luo was very satisfied with the formed stone house.

He immediately arranged manpower to build the stone house, patrol and hunt, and build the stone house from the center to the rear.     

In such a hurry, all the stone houses were built within two months, even including the construction of the fire kang and the interior furniture.     

Wu Xiaoyin saw his own house and the large open space behind the house's front yard, and said to Lei Lu, "I want to plant some fruit trees. When the harvest season comes, I can reach out How beautiful it should be to pick fruit! Also, I want to put a set of stone tables and stone benches under the fruit trees. It is the best place to enjoy the cold in the hot season! The most important thing is that we can stay in the house. After planting a small piece of bamboo, there are also some commonly used seasonings, such as giant ginger, giant spicy fruit, transparent fruit vinegar, giant black fruit, etc. Hahahaha !" 

Lei Lu looked at the light in his little eyes because of joy. Listening to Xiao Xiao's plan for the future of the two of them, he hugged Xiao Xiao tightly, remembering Xiao Xiao's words firmly in his heart, thinking that at this time next year, Xiao Xiao must sit under the fruit tree to enjoy the cool.

Listen to the wind in the bamboo forest.     

This kind of warmth is often completely destroyed.

This time it is not Xiaokai's loud voice, but Xin told Lei Lu that it was the patriarch who called the tribal warriors to a meeting to discuss countermeasures for the coming hot season.

Wu Xiaoyin looked at Xin very strangely, thinking that when he first came, it seemed that he had seen this female one day on the tribe gathering day, and he was hostile to himself, and then looked at Xin's gaze constantly at Lei Lu, Wu Xiaoyin thinking of the malicious gaze that he occasionally felt when walking around in the tribe, this was Xin.

"Why would the patriarch let you tell Lei Lu to go to the meeting?" At this time, Xiao Kai and Bin appeared in the crowd, and the outspoken Xiao Kai asked Xin in a rush.

"Because the patriarch sent the tiger to inform my father to go to the meeting, it happens to be the next one to inform Lei Lu, and I just happen to be out for a walk, so I will take this job." Xin said while looking at Leilu.

Xiaokai looked helplessly staring at Lei Lu, Xin eyeball can not wait to stick Lei Lu body.

"To see what? You can not play any crooked mind, Lei Lu but our family Xiaoxiao."

Then, he shook his fist, expressing that he would be beaten if he was disobedient.

Bin pulled Xiao Kai's fist and said, "Since you have already notified, you should go first. We still have things to do with Lei Lu and Xiaoxiao."

Xin looked at Lei Lu unwillingly and found Lei Lu's eyes were always on Wu Xiaoyin's body, and he walked away angrily with the silent joy on the side.

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
I felt bad for Xin haha :)

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs: I felt bad for Xin haha :)

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