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 Wu Xiaoyin was a little bit dumbfounded to comfort Lei Lu who was fragile at the moment. "I'm fine, I'm fine, don't you think I'm okay?" Isn't it me who should be crying silently in his heart? My virgin career is gone forever,嘤嘤嘤~"

Lei Lu seems to be irritated, and his voice blasted in Wu Xiaoyin's ears.

"How could it be okay? The priest said that your body should not be messed up in the future. When you walk around, your wish to go around and see can't be realized, it's all my fault." 

Wu Xiaoyin is still very pleased that at least he is still alive. Just before Lei Lu's posture, Wu Xiaoyin really thought he was alive.

He couldn't get past that night. He didn't expect that there was still a life left, so Wu Xiaoyin was still very happy, and his tone inevitably reflected, "What's the matter, it's also good for us to stay in the tribe in the future, and we can also let the patriarch open. What an exchange day event, it's not enough to invite all my friends every year at that time. What's so worrying about this, I can still learn about the different landscapes of this world from other people!"

Lei Lu insisted. "It's different, it's different."

 Wu Xiaoyin tore Lei Lu's head off his shoulders, holding Lei Lu's face in both hands, and said, "Lei Lu, I'm really fine now. It's okay in front of you, so everything before that is nothing. We still have time to grow old. It's better than anything, don't you think?"

Lei Lu looked straight at the little eyes. Then he kissed Xiao Xiao fiercely, as if he could really feel the temperature and existence of Xiao Xiao.

When Wu Xiaoyin was out of breath, thinking that Lao Tzu was really going to be suffocated this time.

By the time Wu Xiaoyin was able to go out, it was already the end of the exchange day. Lei Lu was holding him to witness the sacrificial activities of the entire Orc Continent, and then the pairing ceremony for the newcomers.

Because of such a thing, Wu Xiaoyin was completely unprepared. That's how it was paired with Lei Lu, and it was the only one on the entire altar to be held and paired, and Wu Xiaoyin felt that his face was hot throughout the whole process.

Of course, the clothes of the newcomer were made overnight by Xiaokai, Bin, Datta, and Alu, showing respect for the beast gods and doing their best to their friends. According to the truth, after the exchange day, the various tribes were scattered, but in addition to the sacrificial activities this year, there is an important resolution, that is, the issue of the survival of the entire giant snake tribe and the giant fox tribe.

The new patriarch is still merged into other tribes, and there will be results at this time. As a result, the orcs who were anxious for the newlyweds were no longer anxious, after all, everyone wanted to know the final result. 

Wu Xiaoyin was held by Lei Lu and looked at the Seven Great Sacrifices and the Seven Great Patriarchs on the stage.

Waiting until it got dark, Wu Xiaoyin didn't find any patriarch or priest who spoke. Wu Xiaoyin lowered his head and yawned silently, so that he wouldn't let people sleep?At this time, a thunder and lightning exploded in the sky.

Wu Xiaoyin was frightened and yawned halfway through. He choked, and coughed constantly. It was very distressed. Just as the young couple were you and me, Kun on the stage spoke.

"The Beast God has sent an oracle, the Giant Snake Tribe and the Giant Fox Tribe will no longer exist, and the original tribes of the Giant Snake Tribe and the Giant Fox Tribe will be scattered to all tribes. The specific matters will be discussed tomorrow, and today will be dispersed "

Wu Xiaoyin was completely covered, when did the beast god come down to give an oracle? Wu Xiaoyin's head turned to Lei Lu with a blank face to express his meaning clearly.

Lei Lu touched the soft fur on Little Little's head, and said, "It's the thunder just now. The Beast God will convey what he wants to say to the sacrifice, so the patriarch will tell us the answer clearly."

Wu Xiaoyin was dazed. 

Nodding blankly, expressing his understanding, and then he was waiting for Lei Lu to wash and change clothes in a dazed manner, and then stuffed into the bed to sleep.

Wu Xiaoyin couldn't resist the call of the god of sleep and fell asleep deeply.

Lei Lu just watched his little nap sleeping in his arms for a long time, as if he was confirming it, and then seemed relieved, holding Xiaoxiao so much that he looked forward to the next day.

After receiving greetings from Datta and Walker, Li and Alu, and Zhan and Lanshi, everyone flew to their tribes. 

The Giant Tiger Tribe accepted the 500 tribesmen of the original Giant Snake Tribe. Because the patriarch was afraid that the Giant Fox Tribe were all strange things like lotus, he chose the tribe of the Giant Snake Tribe without hesitation.

As for the final result of Lian, Wu Xiaoyin didn't ask, but seeing that after returning to the tribe, there was no Lian, Wu Xiaoyin knew that even if Lian was not life threatening, the future would not be better.

And Kakkan, the patriarch of the giant bear clan who was left behind, looked at the tribe of the giant snake tribe and giant fox tribe with a total of 3,000 people, and he was really tearful.

Those who killed a thousand knives knew that he was so bullied.

No, leaving so many people to himself is really too late to cry!

Kun's voice came from far away, "Congratulations, Kakan, the giant bear tribe has become the most populous tribe in the entire Orc Continent, hahaha~"

Kakan made a middle finger to the sky!

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
lol ~

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs: lol ~

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