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When Wu Xiaoyin woke up the next day, the sky was already bright, before Wu Xiaoyin opened his eyes completely. 

He heard Xiao Kai's voice: "Xiao Xiao, are you going to collect with us today?"

Wu Xiaoyin dumbly shouted outside the cave. "Xiao Kai, didn't we just go there yesterday? Why did we go again today? Are you up?"

Xiao Kai pulled Bin into the cave, and saw Wu Xiaoyin still lying on the bed and refusing to get up.

He was surprised. "Xiaoxiao, the sun is basking, you haven't gotten up yet, you are really lazy!"

But Bin always expressed concern about Wu Xiaoyin's physical condition, because Bin knew that Wu Xiaoyin's body was worse than the females of the Orc Continent.

Just look at Lei Lu's appearance in his arms and not letting go. So he asked.

"Xiaoxiao, were you tired from collecting yesterday?"

Xiaokai was scared by Bin's question, and he ignored Wu Xiaoyin's joke, and hurriedly took Wu Xiaoyin's hand and said, "Xiaoxiao, are you okay?"

He said that he raised Wu Xiaoyin's hands, and looked at Wu Xiaoyin's face from left to right, and found that it was only a little tired, but his face was still relatively ruddy. 

He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay, it's okay to look at his face."

Wu Xiaoyin opened his eyes, squinted, and said to Xiaokai, "Xiaokai, I'm fine, just a little tired."

After speaking, he yawned again.

Wu Xiaoyin lifted a thin layer of giant rabbit animal skin, stood up, twisted his neck, and cleared the bedding. 

When he was tidying up, he still thought that he seemed really depraved.

Just walked a little longer yesterday, cooked a meal, and rested to this day.

He still feel a little tired after sleeping so much.

This is impossible on earth, because although Wu Xiaoyin's are not particularly experienced travel enthusiasts, they are not novices either. 

During the university vacation, he went to no less than ten scenic spots, large and small. During the college vacation, he was very energetic and energetic when climbing, wading, and hiking. 

How come one month after coming to the Orc Continent, the physical strength and energy will degenerate into this way, according to the truth, it should not be!

 The question about Wu Xiaoyin was actually explained to Wu Xiaoyin by Lei Lu at the beginning, but Wu Xiaoyin was only caused by a cold and a little fright at the beginning, thinking that after a period of rest, he would recover. 

But in fact, Wu Xiaoyin's body is not the original product of the Orc Mainland after all.

For special environments, such as air pressure, temperature, humidity, etc., it has different enhancements, which is a great burden on Wu Xiaoyin's body. 

Therefore, even though Wu Xiaoyin spent most of the month eating and sleeping, his weight continued to drop.

After Wu Xiaoyin finished sorting it out, he said to Bin and Xiaokai. "Wait for me. After I clean up, I will go out with you to collect after breakfast."

Bin saw that Wu Xiaoyin was indeed fine , so he explained to Wu Xiaoyin, "Xiaoxiao, take your time and don't rush. We have an appointment today to gather together on the right bank of the river where fruits and wild vegetables are more abundant."

After listening to this, Wu Xiaoyin showed a puzzled look and asked: "What is an appointment together, except for us? Are there anyone else wanting to be together?"

Xiao Kai then said to Wu Xiaoyin, "Didn't I say before that we have a large collection day? Today is today. Bin and I saw that your body was almost recovered yesterday. So I want to gather with you today, and see if you can find more edible fruits and wild vegetables."

After Wu Xiaoyin listened, he silently grabbed and pulled the broth in the stone bowl, why didn't he drink it.

Wu Xiaoyin would never admit to such a detrimental thing because of his lack of strength.

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
Xiaoxiao body seems have more problem to this world :(

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs: Xiaoxiao body seems have more problem to this world :(

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