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Wu Xiaoyin suddenly heard the sound of a stream of water and asked, "Is there a river in front of you?"

 Lei Lu glanced at the front and said, "This is the water flowing down from the northern snowy field. In addition to the river in front, there are three other rivers converging.And then flowed through the tribe, and flowed to the ocean to the east."

As he said, he reached the place where the river was, but found Feng, Bin, Kos and Xiaokai, having a dinner together. 

Xiao Kai saw Lei Lu and Wu Xiaoyin at a glance, and ran over and said, "Xiao Xiao, why are you here? I always wanted to ask you to come to the river for barbecue, but I thought that your health was not good yet. Thinking about calling you next time."

Feng, Bin and Kos also came over, and Bin said, "Xiao Xiao, come here, we are just about to start eating, can you eat some together?"

Wu Xiaoyin looked at the four of them.

Back to say: "We came after lunch, you can eat it, but what do you want to do after lunch?"

Anxious Xiao Kai replied: "Today I mainly came to the river to see the scenery and barbecue. Picking some wild vegetables and fruits by the way, now is a good time to pick."

Speaking of this, Bin also said: "Although the hot season is very long and the food is abundant, it is still difficult to preserve in the cold season, so take advantage of the hot season. Replenish more energy and fruit during the season, so that the cold season will be better afterwards."

Xiaokai listened to Bin's words and couldn't help but remember how he had passed the difficult cold season in the past.

He couldn't help but lower his cheerful tone and said, "Yes. The weather is really too cold, even if it is covered with thick animal skins, I can still feel the wind blowing in, and my body is icy. The whole cold season was spent by father turning into a beast shape and wrapping him and me. The lack of food, coupled with the long-term refusal to eat fruits and wild vegetables, causes females to become very weak, and even some females who are already in poor health will die."

Lei Lu, Feng, Kos listened to the females conversations will hug the female around him tighter. Wu Xiaoyin had never known too much about how the cold season in the Orc Continent was spent, and it seemed that Lei Lu hadn't deliberately mentioned it, but it was true that he was confident in his words.

Wu Xiaoyin knew that the time in the Orc Continent is 48 hours a day, 30 days is a month, and 5 months is a season.

There are 4 seasons for a year, namely the growing season, the hot season, the harvest season, and the cold season. 

Therefore, Bin couldn't help feeling that if he followed the previous eating habits and storage methods, he would indeed not be able to survive the cold season well. Cave life, but keeping warm is a big problem.

This was something Wu Xiaoyin had never thought of before. During the month he came to the Orc Continent, he was more about learning language and conditioning his body.

It seemed that he had never really worried about food. Even if he came out to find more food, it was for Own appetite. Lei Lu has always protected himself very well.

As for life on earth, Wu Xiaoyin has never had to worry about food and money. With the money provided by his parents and working hard by himself, he can get enough food and a good life.

It seemed that from this moment, Wu Xiaoyin realized what life was like in the Orc Mainland.

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
And it is dangerous for you Xiaoxiao!

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs: And it is dangerous for you Xiaoxiao!

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