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When Lei Lu heard the little question, he looked away from his little mouth with difficulty, swallowed, cleared his throat, and said, "Nothing, since you have found a substitute for coarse salt, then let's try to collect a part first, and then the patriarch will arrange how to collect it on a large scale." 

Wu Xiaoyin saw a large watermelon field in a concentrated area.

Because he didn't know how much watermelon salt could be made by then, he said with some worry.

"This giant watermelon field looks very large, but the tribe has a larger population, and the amount of salt needed must be huge. What if the amount is not enough?"

Lei Lu heard a little worry and confusion, Rubbed Xiao Xiao's head, and said, "Xiao Xiao, this is just one of the pieces we found. I have seen several pieces of land like this on the way of hunting, and they are also full of this kind of wild vegetables, so Don't worry, but it's still not enough. We will buy the coarse salt from the Giant Snake Tribe as usual to fill the gap. Therefore, we don't have to worry too much about the amount of coarse salt this year."

Wu Xiaoyin heard Lei Lu's explanation.

Let go of his heart, after all, he proposed to marinate animal meat.

If the amount of coarse salt that you usually need is not enough in the end, it will not be worth the loss. 

Fortunately, there are many giant watermelons, and even the salt crystals on the vines and leaves can be used directly.

Next, a group of people tried to collect the giant watermelon, but when they were about to take it away, there was a problem.

The giant watermelon was as big as Wu Xiaoyin's. Even though the orcs were huge, they were not easy to carry.

The round watermelons were easy to fall. The orc is holding it in his claws and flying in the air is okay.

If he encounters the giant dragon bird in the sky, he will lose the opportunity.

The orcs talked about it to see if there is a better solution. The animal skin bag prepared before can only hold a giant watermelon, so the animal skin bag is a bit like a chicken rib. At this moment, Feng saw the wicker frame Lei Lu was carrying, and couldn't help but think of the wooden trailers and carts that Xiaoxiao mentioned before.

He intuitively told Feng that such wooden trailers and carts would solve today's big problem.

So Feng pulled Lei Lu aside and asked Xiao Xiao. "Xiao Xiao, haven't you mentioned wooden trailers and carts before? Can you tell us how to do this, otherwise the giant watermelon you brought back today? If it is less, maybe it is not enough for experimentation?"

Of course, words such as "giant watermelon" and "experiment" came out of Wu Xiaoyin's mouth, so Feng used these words directly.

Kos saw Feng pull Lei Lu talking while whispering, and moved closer to them step by step.

He stretched his ears to listen, vaguely heard "trailers" and "carts", and yelled.

"Yes. Yeah, why didn't I think of the wooden trailers and carts Xiaoxiao mentioned before?"

Everyone looked at Wu Xiaoyin with shining eyes, and Wu Xiaoyin said that the pressure is great! Lei Lu immediately turned around and turned his side to block the eyes of the other orcs, especially the orcs who also had plans against Wu Xiaoyin. Lei Lu said that he really wanted to go up and beat them up!

In fact, Leilu had already remembered the trailers and carts Xiaoxiao had mentioned before, but Feng asked. 

However, Lei Lu still asked Xiao Xiao's opinion with his eyes, even if he knew Xiao Xiao would not mind, but his own initiative and passiveness are always different, Lei Lu always put the small feeling first.

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
This boi loves to beat people now :)

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs: This boi loves to beat people now :)

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