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Lei Lu hugged Wu Xiaoyin all the way to the forest outside the tribe and wandered slowly. Wu Xiaoyin was also able to see the whole tribe and the scenery around the tribe once again.

Located in the tribe surrounded by high mountains, the layers of trees and flowers are really a rare paradise on the earth. 

However, it is not difficult to find in an environment like the Orc Continent. 

Lei Lu's cave is located to the west of the tribe, and the exit of the tribe is to the north. There is a large forest all the way to the north.

The place where the females usually pick is only the forest closest to the forest.

The area close to the west of the tribe is the transition zone from forest to grassland to the desert.

To the east of the tribe, the snowfields in the northernmost part of the north converge across the tribe's big river and flow away from the east. To the south of the tribe is more grassland.

Lei Lu walked into the outskirts of the forest to the north of the tribe with the little female.

After Wu Xiaoyin admired the lushness and beauty of the forest, he began to carefully search for plants that could be used as seasonings and more edible fruits and vegetables.

The giant red pepper that he saw the last time became Wu Xiaoyin's primary search target.

Soon the sharp-eyed Wu Xiaoyin found the red pepper he was looking for, patted Lei Lu's shoulder and said, "Lei Lu, go over there, I see It's the kind of seasoning I'm looking for."

Lei Lu followed his little fingers and couldn't help but wonder: "Little, you are sure you need this plant. When I was young, I knew it was non-toxic. I tried it. It smells..."

Wu Xiaoyin saw that Lei Lu couldn't describe it in exact words, and then said, "Is it spicy? Your throat will be uncomfortable, it will hurt for a while, and then your whole body will sweat and feel a lot of comfort."

Lei Lu after hearing this nodded and said, "Yes, Xiaoxiao, since you know why you still want this wild vegetable, I will pick you giant cabbage or giant radish, okay?" Go in the direction of Giant Cabbage.

Wu Xiaoyin hurriedly stopped Lei Lu and said hurriedly, "Lei Lu, although it does not taste good, it is a plant that exists only as a seasoning. Although some people may eat it as a main dish, it is more of a mention. It's flavorful, so the cooked dishes are better without being too irritating."

After saying this long paragraph, Wu Xiaoyin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, thanking for this month of uninterrupted study, and finally able to express his thoughts smoothly in the common language.

Lei Lu agreed with Wu Xiaoyin's idea of ​​wanting giant red peppers, but repeated. "After making the dishes, I will try first, and then you will eat them."

Because Lei Lu can judge that this plant is non-toxic through his nose, But he can't distinguish its taste, so he was harmed only when he was a child.

After Wu Xiaoyin heard this, he was slightly taken aback. For some reason, his heart contracted after hearing this sentence. 

After reacting, he said: "Then let's pick it up quickly, it doesn't need too much, just a few,

"Just one is enough, after all, one is already this big." Lei Lu followed Wu Xiaoyin's instructions. Bent over to pick the giant spicy fruit, Wu Xiaoyin, who rudely named the giant red pepper, fell slightly when Lei Lu picked the giant spicy fruit.

Although Lei Lu hugged the giant spicy fruit immediately

Wu Xiaoyin stretched out his hands for the first time. He hugged Lei Lu's neck and wrapped it loosely.

Lei Lu's action of picking the spicy fruit slowed a bit, a clear smile evoked at the corner of his mouth, and then he picked up the spicy fruit.

Wu Xiaoyin saw Lei Lu picking several giant spicy fruits at once, and said hurriedly.

"Enough is enough, let's look for other edible seasonings."

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
Need you to be safe :)

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs: Need you to be safe :)

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