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When Wu Xiaoyin was still facing the orcs of the giant fox tribe with a weird feeling of "scent of flowers", one of the white lotus flowers moved and was walking towards Wu Xiaoyin all the way, Wu Xiaoyin was very puzzled, after all he don't know people from other tribes except the giant tiger tribe in this orc continent.

Facts have proved that Wu Xiaoyin is completely thinking too much.

People are not going to Wu Xiaoyin at all, and as there is no such person as Wu Xiaoyin at all, it is specifically expressed in . When this white lotus came to Lei Lu, it showed a timid smile.

"Lei Lu, you have come to the trading day this year, do you still exchange herbs like last year? This year our herbs bring more, because I have worked hard to pick herbs this year!"

Wu Xiaoyin saw this flower Bai Lianhua completely talked to Lei Lu as if he hadn't seen him, and he looked like a little white rabbit, silently complaining in his heart.

Brother, don't you know that rabbits in this world are mutated and the size of wild boars? Is it appropriate to take the rabbit route when I am about 1 meter tall?

Anyway, when Wu Xiaoyin's heart was vomiting, Bai Lianhua was still talking to Lei Lu, but Lei Lu kept looking at his own little boy and didn't know if he listened.

Lian didn't even look at himself when he saw Lei Lu. When the disguise was about to collapse, he even stretched out his hand to want Lei Lu's arm. As a result, Lei Lu kept looking at his little one and was able to accurately avoid strange female hands.

The hand that fell in the air trembled slightly. Lian retracted his hand to his side, clenched his hand, and after taking a deep breath, he smiled and said sweetly to Lei Lu, "Leilu, I will take you to see the herbal medicine. Right?"

A trace of grievance was revealed to Lei Lu in his eyes.

The males of the giant fox tribe saw the most beautiful females in the tribe smiling so sweetly at the males of the giant tiger tribe.

They were already stunned, but the males in the tribe lacked the strong bodies and sharp edges and corners to attract the females. There is no other way around this. However, it does not mean that the males of other tribes can not give face to the females.

Not giving face to the females of the giant fox tribe is not giving face to the giant fox tribe.

For a while, he was a little angry, and wanted to come to the theory, but was stopped by Lian's eyes.

When Wu Xiaoyin watched the show, he knew that this white lotus might have a certain status in the giant fox tribe.

This is certain, because the females of the Orcs are so precious that the males always give way to the females, but they tend to be more.

Many are thoughts of pity and cherishment, after all, females are very rare. 

However, a look in Lian's eyes can make the males in the tribe obedient and suppress anger, but that can only be done with a certain degree of prestige, presumably this female has an extraordinary position in the tribe!

Lei Lu has no answer see Lian lotus flower, said.

"Lei Lu, do not look at the herbs it? Before not also deal in herbs Julang tribe yet? Want to come tribe still need herbs, right?"

Lei Lu this time looked at Lian in front of him and said, "You don't need to lead the way, we can just see it ourselves."

Lei Lu's words were short and straightforward.

Lian Qi's chest was ups and downs twice, but he was calm again. "Okay, but I have some privately traded precious herbs, there are no trades in the tribe!"

Lian emphasized the word "precious", and revealed his intentions.

However, Lei Lu didn't seem to hear it, and walked directly to the hide where the herbs were placed.

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
Don't bother Bai Lianhua :)


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