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When Wu Xiaoyin woke up when he was full, it was already the next night.

Wu Xiaoyin shook his chaotic head slightly.

When he wanted to open his eyes and look at the surroundings, he heard Lei Lu's hoarse voice. "Xiao Xiao, how do you feel? Does it hurt?"

Wu Xiaoyin turned his head and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

Seeing the moonlight outside the window and the fire in the room, Leilu's tiredness could easily be covered.

When he found out, Wu Xiaoyin said in a low voice, "Why do you look so tired? Didn't you never rest?"

Lei Lu touched his little head and said, "No, I only got up after I slept. Don't talk, I'll get you water and food."

After speaking, he rushed to the kitchen, and then he held wooden trays in both hands. The food on it was slowly filled with various foods, and quickly placed on the mobile table.

On, feeding Xiaoxiao bit by bit.

After Wu Xiaoyin had eaten, he washed a little more and felt better, and asked, "What about the baby? How is the baby?"

Lei Lu was very excited about Xiaoxiao's first thought of himself, not their cubs.

Ok, thinking about the cubs who were sleeping in the next room just after eating, they said with a slight tick, "They are fine, they have just finished eating the juice of giant pink fruit, and now they are asleep, I'll take it and give it to you. Take a look."

Wu Xiaoyin looked at the three furry little tigers in Lei Lu's hands. They all follow the color of Lei Lu's fur. They must be very, very handsome tigers when they grow up. He took one of them, carefully and carefully. Look, Wu Xiaoyin only now believes that this kind of non-scientific thing has happened, a tangible experience that he didn't feel when he was born before, that is, such cute little tigers will pop out of his stomach, even if they are now fluffy.

They are not yet fully developed, only a short layer, and pink flesh can be seen.

However, what makes Wu Xiaoyin most happy is that there are three little tigers. This is an unexpected surprise. It was a pleasant surprise when he knew that they were twins.

He didn't expect to have one more.

He can only say that he was really lucky!

However, when Wu Xiaoyin was holding one of the little tigers silly and cheerful, the three little tigers all smelled his father, and all woke up.

As a result, only the little tiger in Wu Xiaoyin's hand could lick his father.

The palm of his hand, he didn't know what he was talking about.

The other two little tigers in Lei Lu's hands weren't going to do it. They wanted to get close to A-da's heart very strongly, even ignoring his weak arms and legs. Yes, he actually wanted to jump from A's father to A'daddy's arms.

Lei Lu looked at the two in his hands and smiled and said to Xiao Xiao. "It seems that you have to switch back and forth. Look at what they look like!"

Wu Xiaoyin looked at Lei Lu's misalignment, obviously. There is love in the eyes, the movements are extremely careful, but the mouth means disgust, "Otherwise I will hold all three? But which is the boss, which is the second child, and which is the third child?"

Lei Lu suddenly felt dumb, he didn't notice at all when he was giving birth to Xiaoxiao, so he was hugged by the priest to Dad and the others. How could he pay attention to the cub's situation? 

Now he can't tell who is the boss, so he said very casually. "When they grow up, whoever is the strongest and who fights the most is the boss." After finishing speaking, he was quite proud of the additional points of his own words.

Wu Xiaoyin looked at the humming little tiger in his hand and the two little tigers in Lei Lu's hand with a black line, thinking that the baby who had just given birth was so unaffected by his father.

How can he get it after he see you!

However, Lei Lu is extremely satisfied with his idea. The orcs have a strong pursuit of their own power, especially when their brothers always want to compete, challenge again and again.

The strength will also be enhanced, and the most important thing is that there will be no cubs robbing themselves of the little ones!

Wu Xiaoyin watched the cubs in Lei Lu's hands always want to come into his arms, so he put the cubs in his hands on his lap, reached out to take the two in Lei Lu's hands, and asked.

"Then what would be a better name for us? We didn't even think about it before? Well, I spent most of my time sleeping."

Lei Lu watched Xiao Xiao teasing the three cubs on his lap. The cubs kept trying to crawl into Xiao Xiao's arms, but Xiao Xiao seemed to look at him with a bit of wicked fun, and laughed from time to time.

Lei Lu sank, thinking of the sacrificial instructions, the small body still needs some time to recover, control the physical condition, during this time there will be obvious drowsiness.

Lei Lu took a long breath and turned his gaze away from the cub, and saw the little head little by little. The eyes had been closed. Obviously, the cub was asleep and would keep making noise.

They carried the little lap to the side, put the little one, covered the quilt, and placed the three cubs on the crib in the next room, and looked at the tired cubs with their eyes narrowed again and again. When he fell asleep, Lei Lu also took a full bath, and fell asleep in his arms.

This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!
One Am Soft Eggs:
WWhat idea is that  lol :)

■■■■■■■■■■■This is just this Laozi side comment and not an official from the author!■■■■■■One Am Soft Eggs: WWhat idea is that  lol :)

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