Chapter 11 : Festival Part 3

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My feet have stepped on the arena field. It was time for me to fight Krishna. Krishna landed the entrance to this arena with her spirit weapon out. I also did the same thing taking out my spirit weapon.

The whistle sounded the two of us simultaneously ran and approached each other to try who could hit the first hit. I had entered Krishna's range of attack, and she immediately started swinging her spirit weapon. I noticed her attack and I avoided it. Continued running towards her until she entered the range of my spirit weapon.

Krishna wouldn't let me get near her, she immediately re-floated her whip and used her unique life element.

[Vine Spear]

Vines simultaneously attack me. because of that attack, I was forced to dodge and the distance between us was so far.

I was forced to run away to avoid Krishna's insistent attacks until I ran in circles around her. I started looking for loopholes to approach her. Seen her murmuring.


Suddenly I couldn't move forward. One of my legs looks frozen. "Ice? Who used this to hold me? Is this Krishna's? But her unique life element was vine, but why could she use the life element ice?"

"Mort, you've always seen me use a unique life element, but you've never seen my basic life element. Let me tell you something, my basic life elements are two. The first is earth that I still do not control and the second is water. I upgraded my basic life element water to unique life element ice, which means that now you are fighting me who has two types of unique life elements. Even though the unique element of ice's power was not as great as the normal one." Krishna explained something surprising for us holders.

Without waiting long, Krishna immediately swung her whip towards me. I quickly crushed the ice that was holding my leg and dodged its attack.

[Ice Wall] [Tangle]

She cast a wall of ice and tied me up with vines that kept me from escaping, trapping myself and unable to dodge her next attack.

[Vine Spear]

She used her skill again causing many vines to appear around me, and ready to attack me.

I used Darkmate to increase my physical strength to break free from the vines, but the vine was stronger and wouldn't break even if I doubled my physical strength.

What should I do? In very little time I thought of a way to dodge the next attack. In this situation I can't use my spirit weapon. Shadow Walk? I don't think so, since a lot of vines surround me, it will be dangerous if the vines attack me while I'm in my shadow.

Then only one way remains, I haven't really perfected my new skill, but there's no option not to use it. Moreover, Lynn is looking at me!


Darkness sphere covered around me, making Krishna unable to see me. I use this to give me a little time to use my new technique. Krishna won't immediately attack me because if she misses, I will be free right away, so she will definitely wait for my skill to expire.


Because I have had enough time, I can use this skill. A mouth appeared in Krishna shadow, trying to bite her. So that Krishna knew the dangers of Divorare, she immediately blocked the attack with her whip.

Darkness was finished, the time had come which showed me. Now is the time for me to use my new skill which I just learned a few days ago.


Seven shadows shaped like wolves emerged from my own shadow. "This is a new skill that I have learned recently! Even though it's still not perfect, it's enough to turn things around."

While she was still busy holding Divorare, she showed an expression of shock seeing me cast seven wolf shadows. "What the hell?! This seems unfair!"

I laughed a little and said. "I don't want to hear from a person who has two types of unique life elements!"

One of my shadow wolves began to free me from the vines binding me, three of them attacked the surrounding vines and the rest started running towards Krishna.

Krishna who realized that the three wolves were attacking her, she immediately quickly destroyed Divorare using the Vine Spear around her.

Krishna swung her whip towards my wolf, which made one of them disappear under her attack and one of my wolves stuck with the Vine Spear that Krishna prepared.

This is why I say my skill is still not perfect, normally the shadow wolves that are hit don't immediately disappear, but because my control is not strong enough, only one attack of my wolf will disappear.

Of the three wolves who attacked Krishna, one remained. My one shadow wolf had already entered an area where Krishna was unable to lift her whip, forcing her to defense using her whip. Opportunity has arisen!

[Shadow Walk]

I dived into my shadow and appeared behind Krishna and put my scythe weapon on her neck. My other four wolves have finished cleaning Krishna's Vine Spear and Krishna is still in a state of restraining one of my shadow wolves.

Krishna helped her breath and raised her both hands. "Let's stop here!"

With that the match ended with the victory being won by me. sweat was pouring out of both of us, as it was quite a long match that we had.

Finally, my final round will face Alp. The two of us almost always train together, but we've never fought each other. In the next fight I was at a disadvantage because I didn't see the fight before Alp against Mr. Kenneth.

Mr. Kenneth's words about one of Alp's skills bothered me. While Alp sees all the skills I have, it allows him to prepare a plan against me.

The two of us will fight after recess is over. Oddly Alp didn't say anything to me this time. I don't know what he's thinking, but he's not usually like this.

Without thinking, I decided to rest, restore the soul energy I had used up and heal my wounds caused by the thorns of Krishna's vines.

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