Chapter 8 : Protection Part 1

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The chaos has ended with clinging fear. The appearance of those eyes made us think that the chaos wasn't over yet.

I'm full of exhaustion, using my new skill 'Divorare' which eats up a lot of my soul energy. But this is beyond my expectation, I thought I would fall unconscious after using that skill because when I tried to use it during training with Manes, I could only use it once and almost fainted. But now I just feel tired.

Has my soul energy increased? When? And how?

Not knowing the reason, I threw my puzzle question to Manes, who had returned to his normal form. "Manes, is my soul energy increasing?"

Directly he answered my question. "Probably... Yes!" Which makes me raise an additional question. "How?" I want to know the cause of the increase in my soul energy, so I can use that method to practice increasing the amount of my soul energy capacity.

As we walk towards Alp and Krishna, he thinks of the causes. In a moment it seemed as if he had discovered the cause of my soul energy increasing without my knowledge. "It is possible that your soul energy increased due to the mental attack when my lord was inside that place."

"That place? Are you mean inside Aquaria? Mental attack?" So increasing the capacity of one's soul energy, a person has to receive mental attacks. But I never felt any mental attack when I was in Aqua-

Suddenly an electric shock hit my brain and let me know the origin of the mental attack that Manes said.

"It's Lynn! Lynn, who gave me a mental attack! Of course! My soul energy can increase, I almost died accepting the cuteness and innocence that she has." I found the cause.

Ahh, if it's like this, it's almost impossible for me to practice increasing my soul energy capacity in that way. I can die before my soul energy increases by more than half.


I heard a loud slap sound, seeing Alp being slapped by Krishna until he fell on the ground. Krishna with her glaring looked down at Alp and shouted. "Never to do it like that again!"

Alp did not respond with anger because he, himself, knew the extent of Krishna's anger to him. Alp with eyes that look down while rubbing his red cheeks looks regretful and contemplating his actions, only a word comes out of his mouth. "... Sorry!"

With an icy stare she replied. "I will not forgive you! You think just an apology will satisfy me?" Alp looks scared seeing Krishna's expression furious with him. He can only accept the punishment given by Krishna until Krishna is satisfied and ready to forgive Alp's actions.

Alp's torture ensues. All three high spirits and I could only watch Alp in torment. We did not dare to disturb Krishna's torture for fear we would be torture too.

I made my hand like praying and thought to rest in peace, my best friend Alp who will die in torment by his own girlfriend.

A few minutes after the torture has finish, I'm seeing Alp who is half alive, I started to talk. "It's better if we first let out all person in the building, your torture can continue later." Krishna seemed oblivious that there were still people in the building, vines covered it. She immediately stopped her activities and removed the wall of her vines.

Light illuminates' people inside the building. Lynn was the first to come out, as soon as she exits the building, she goes straight to her best friend and hugs her.

But something unexpected, one Noes looks still alive standing behind the two of them. Stood up and began to swing its claws at them.

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