Chapter 12 : Desperation Part 1

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Our sky has cracked, the birds stay away from the enormous crack. We humans who witness the cracks can only stand in fear and forget how to breathe.

Sharp mouths began to emerge from those dimensional cracks. The first dragon we have seen is its first form by humans.

A dragon that stood on four legs with a mouth filled with sharp fangs, obsidian scales that were filled with red lava light on every other side. Its stomach and lower neck which had no scales but had a glowing red crimson lava light, two straight transparent horns red like ruby diamonds, its eyes are also red with narrow pupils, very wide wings that look slightly damaged, and a back covered in black hair.

Using the dead eye, I saw a light blue light enveloping the dragon. That means the dragon cannot be defeated that easily.

As everyone froze at the shape of the dragon for the first time, Mr. Kenneth bit his lip and shouted loudly. "All troops! Attack!"

Gunshots rang out, explosive explosions echoed through our skin. All the beast holders told their respective Noes to start attacking the dragon at the same time, while all the holders attacked from a distance using their respective life elements.

The attack continued until it stopped when smoke filled the dragon. Alp beside me murmuring. "Did we kill it?"

We're waiting for the smoke to disappear, the focus of my eyes I sharpened. As the smoke cleared, I could see the dragon's eyes again. The dragon is not dead yet.

Everyone was shocked to see that the dragon was still safe after receiving so many attacks.

Between the teeth of the dragon began to glow red. That was a sign that it seemed the dragon was about to breathe out its fire.

"Oh no! All dodge! The breath is coming!" Mr. Kenneth shouted out instantly.

The flamethrower came out from the dragon's mouth, spitting flames in all directions as it caused many people to burn and the surrounding buildings also started to catch the fire.

Using the dead eye, I saw a light green light covering the dragon's body which was previously light blue. This means that the dragon can still take damage.

"All movable troops, continue attacking! And the wounded go to Lynn, so they can be healed!" Mr. Kenneth shouted while using his life element to attack. Lynn with Phi quickly healed the injured person.

Mr. Kenneth pointed at the dragon. "Pooh, attack the dragon legs!"

Pooh followed his orders and immediately attacked the dragon's left leg and bit it hard. The other holders, Noes were ordered by their respective holders to attack the four dragon legs simultaneously. The dragon started screaming in pain, I began to see light orange enveloping the dragon.

The attack continued as the dragon replied with its fiery breath. The dragon did not stay still receiving attacks from the other Noes, so the dragon began to spread its wings widely, flapping it so strongly that the wind could push us far.

Ethan who was holding himself back from the strong wind said. "Ugh... The dragon has started flying!"

"Mr. Kenneth, we have to stop that dragon from flying to the sky! We will be difficult to attack if he has flown high." I said.

"Don't worry, I've prepared a weapon that can stop him from flying. Fire the harpoon! Now!"

The soldiers started firing the harpoons which could stab the dragon scales. Iron harpoon arrows connected to chains were drawn by many soldiers on each of the ropes. The chains we used to prevent the chains from burning as the dragon breathes out its fire.

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