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Tags: Smut! Jungkook x Jimin, everything that could possibly go wrong at Jungkook and Jimin's wedding goes VERY WRONG, but they get thru it hehe, this is very soft, silly (pls this is so silly), cute, chaotic, fluffy and smutty! also jungkook cries a lot
:(( but it is tooth-rottingly sweet, get your uwu caps ready

sex tags include: a blowjob, intercourse in the dark, and an invisible creampie (ayyyyyyyyyy lol cuz the title.........................................................get it?)

ps this fic is a gift for my valentine,  PermTaeIsBae

Word Count: 4570

Weddings are never perfect.

Jungkook knows this.

But how wrong is it to hope his is an exception?

Waking up next to Jimin – to his fiancé, to his future husband – on the morning of their wedding day is surreal. The contrast of Jimin's warm, bare skin pressed to his side and the sight of snow falling outside their bedroom window is the stuff of fairytales.

Honestly, Jungkook's life is a fairytale. Jimin is his prince, his knight in shining armor, his perfect match. Jimin is the love of his life. Their story is written with magic, their adventures woven in silk and gold.

After Jimin proposed several months ago, Jungkook swore he would plan the most perfect wedding. Their anniversary is Valentine's Day, which might sound cheesy to some, but the couple embraces it. Especially Jungkook. So their wedding is today, the fourteenth of February.

And despite the romance of it all, despite his lovely partner and their enchanting story...

Jungkook has regrets.

"Whose idea was it to get married on Valentine's?!"

"Jungkook – it was your idea."

Hoseok sits across the room, scrubbing desperately at the series of mud stains smeared along the coats and trousers of the couple's white tuxes. The pristine snowfall of Jungkook's dreams brought picturesque scenes of dusted trees and rolling white hills. But it also delivered sheets of ice disguised by pretty, frozen fluff. Even the coordinated, sure-footed Hoseok was no match for the sidewalk's peril. Jungkook's friend had slipped while bringing the couple's suits into the wedding venue. 

Luckily, Hoseok is unscathed.

The same can't be said for the tuxedos.

"This is all my fault. What if I jinxed it? A wedding on Valentine's Day – isn't there some old wife's tale about this? Is our day cursed?!" Jungkook worries, watching Hoseok stick his tongue out in concentration as his scrubbing turns to dabbing.

"What? Don't say that! You'll just make it worse."

The door to the small room suddenly bursts open, and in rushes Jin.


Hoseok's hand freezes. Jungkook's stomach drops.

"What?" asks Jungkook. "What do you mean 'the pipes have frozen?'"

"What other meaning could that sentence have?" Jin replies, eyes wide and alarmed. "The pipes in this old, crusty building have frozen. There's no running water. I just took a leak and couldn't flush or wash my hands. Feeling super icky about it."

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