
12K 113 24

Tags: Smut! Yoongi x Reader x Seokjin, poly relationship, Yoongi is baby, you've got a strap-on, spit roasting (not you), surprisingly soft

Word Count: 2413

You and Jin lounged on the couch, the television on in the background while you both played on your phones. While one hand was busied scrolling through your twitter feed, the other gently squeezed and kneaded Jin's stockinged feet, which were perched in your lap. After catching a glimpse of the time, you looked worriedly across the sofa at your handsome boyfriend's face.

"Hey, hon, when is Yoongi supposed to be getting home? Isn't it getting kind of late?"

Jin's eyebrows scrunched together, his bee-stung lips pouting out in concern.

"Yeah, it is pretty late. Did he say anything about extra meetings today?" he pondered.

You shrugged and mumbled, "Not that I remember."

Not long after the words left your lips, you both heard the squeal of tires burning rubber outside, quickly followed by a loud slam of a car door. Jin yanked his feet from your lap and scrambled onto his knees to look through the window behind the couch that overlooked your front yard.

"Is that him?" you asked, and Jin nodded.

"Somethings wrong, though," he murmured, and your gut twisted.

You both clambered off the couch and to your feet as Yoongi burst through the front door, giving neither of you a hello or even a glance as he tossed his keys violently into the glass bowl next to the entryway. After ripping off his suit jacket and tossing it onto the floor, he yanked at his tie, loosening it while he stormed towards the kitchen.

"Yoongi, baby? What happened?" you asked.

"Fucking bastard," Yoongi seethed, his voice carrying from the kitchen, and after sharing a wide-eyed look, you and Jin hurried to follow him.

Once in the kitchen, you saw that Yoongi had taken a beer from the fridge. He had already opened it and was chugging it, foam dripping down his chin. Within seconds he was finished, and he chucked the empty can into the recycling bin with a loud clatter. He wiped his mouth with his crisp white sleeve and then turned to open the fridge again, coming up with another beer.

"Yoongs, what the hell?" Jin urged, ripping the can from the younger's grip before he could pop the tab, setting it aside. "Talk to us, please."

Yoongi looked back and forth between your faces, and you watched as the fury in his eyes fizzled and was replaced by tears.

"He fired me. That piece of shit fucking fired me, after everything I did for the firm," he said, his voice wavering.

"Oh, baby, no," Jin groaned. You immediately crossed the room to Yoongi, wrapping your arms around him. He exhaled shakily and rested his head down on your shoulder.

"I'm so sorry," you whispered while rubbing his back soothingly. Jin walked over to join you two, stepping behind Yoongi and wrapping his long arms around you both, trapping your hands between Yoongi's broad back and Jin's expansive chest.

"I don't understand. You were just saying the other day how he agreed to be your reference for law school. Was he bullshitting you?" Jin asked as he pressed a kiss to the top of Yoongi's coppery crown of hair.

"I don't know," Yoongi croaked, and you pulled back to look at him. His tears threatened to escape, welling up so his eyes shone and twinkled, and he looked down, willing them away. Jin kept his arms wrapped around the smaller's waist from the back, squeezing him close and leaning down to leave more comforting kisses along Yoongi's clothed shoulder. "I don't want to talk about it, please. I need a distraction, I need more beer."

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