(b)l(oo)d I

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Part I of II

TW: main character death (but not really), blood

Tags: Smut! Seokjin x Hoseok, hello this is a lil dark and angsty but LISTEN there's a happy ending in a roundabout way:  Jin's a vampire! He sucks all of Hoseok's blood!! Hoseok's ghost haunts Jin!!! strangers to enemies to friends to lovers (part 1 is the strangers to enemies part heh), dom/sub undertones, degradation, edge play, Jin's a crier and so is Hoseok

Word Count: 4890

Humans make it too fucking easy

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Humans make it too fucking easy.

They were so careless, so reckless with their lives.  Especially now, with their silly cell phones, downloading dating apps to connect with total strangers.  Hooking up, getting into random cars, going to peoples' homes without a second thought.  They would risk their lives for the thrill, for pleasure, for a good time.  Going to bars, leaving with randos.  Getting intoxicated, perhaps so they could forget just for a moment how stupid they were. 

Jin knew he shouldn't be pouting about it.  Or brooding.  Or sulking, or whatever the hell you want to call it. 

Because it only benefited him.

He sat at the bar of some establishment.  One he didn't know the name of, but that didn't really matter.  They were all the same:  pulsing music, flashing lights, packed dance floor, fed up bartender.  Jin tried not to glare for too long at the group of men at the other end of the bar as they took shots, throwing their heads back, glitter on their skin dancing vibrantly as they did.  Lots of laughing, hugging, tugging each other's arms towards the dance floor. 

He tried not to glare, but he didn't try very hard.  Because Jin knew he didn't have to.  He didn't have to put any effort into appearing pleasant.  All he had to do was sit and wait.  He didn't have to work for his meals; they always came to him, whether he looked inviting or not.

As Jin shifted on the stool, he winced.  He had waited too long this time, too long to quench the thirst he desperately wished to ignore.  His bones ached, his limbs were heavy, he felt so, so tired.  It was miserable.  Miserable enough to go out into the human world, to use himself as his own bait, to start the cycle all over again.

So he sat, he frowned at his empty drink, he waited.


"You look like you're having the time of your life."

Too fucking easy.

Jin turned to his right and was met with a bright smile and sparkling eyes.  Those eyes slid down Jin's profile shamelessly, and as the man drank him in, his smile dimmed to a smirk.  The look was familiar.  Interest.  Desire.  Lust.  Jin knew what the man saw – smooth skin, dark eyes, plump lips.  Ageless beauty.  Everyone liked what they saw. 

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