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Tags: Smut! Yoongi x Hoseok, Jimin plays matchmaker, Hoseok can read minds, Yoongi's dirty minded, they both switcheroo, public sex, casual use of the term fellatio

Word Count: 3313

"That will be 4000 won, please."

Hoseok dug in his pocket and handed the barista his card, giving her as genuine and bright of a smile he could muster. She lifted the corners of her lips unconvincingly in return, keeping her eyes downcast as she processed his order quickly. He felt his heart twist as he allowed her thoughts to flow through him, discovering she had just been dumped by her long-term boyfriend that morning.

Sorrow, regret, and exhaustion clouded her mind, and she had only just started her eight-hour shift.

When she handed him his green tea, he gave her another dazzling smile, standing there until she looked up to meet his gaze. Hoseok felt even worse when the girl noticed he was still there but thought the only reason he stayed was because she had messed up his order.

Before she could question him, Hoseok spoke.

"You have beautiful eyes. It's a shame something is keeping them from smiling. Whatever it is, know it's not worth it. I hope your day brightens up," he said softly.

Her pretty eyes widened, and she mumbled a quick thank you and turned away from the counter before he could catch her blush. But Hoseok knew his words had worked; he didn't need to see her giddy smile she concealed as she fiddled with the hot waterspout on the espresso machine to know he had succeeded in lifting her spirits, even if only for a moment.

Hoseok quickly chose a table and sat down, bringing his mental wall back up to block out the chaos that was the inhabitants of the café's thoughts. Reading minds was not an ability Hoseok would have ever asked for. He may have mastered his gift over the years, but getting lost in one's own thoughts was overwhelming enough. Adding everyone else's on top was too much.

It didn't help that glancing into someone else's mind was different than one would expect. Inner dialogue was common, but some people thought solely through their emotions. Some only had flashes of past experiences, like a choppy movie constantly flashing before their eyes. Some had one-track minds, and some had millions of things running circles in their head. Some Hoseok couldn't even hear or see unless he intentionally reached out to pick their brain.

Everyone was different, but that only made it harder for Hoseok to anticipate what to expect when he opened his mind to the thoughts of others.

That's why once he discovered he could lift a shield, he rarely let it down.

Hoseok checked his watch and noted that his blind date was ten minutes late. The only reason he was out in public wasting energy on maintaining his mental wall was because his roommate, Jimin, hadn't given him a choice. Jimin loved to play matchmaker, and apparently one of his old college buddies was Hoseok's perfect match.

When Jimin proposed the meet-up, Hoseok had managed to catch a glimpse of the man in question through Jimin's eyes, but only for a few seconds. Jimin was one of the few people who Hoseok confided in about his abilities, and he had miraculously figured out how to keep Hoseok from probing his mind. Hoseok wasn't complaining; because of his friend's stubborn brain, he could let down his guard at home, not having to worry about hearing, seeing, or feeling anything he didn't want to.

He conjured up the image of the man Jimin was trying to hook him up with. Because he had only been able to probe Jimin's mind for a split second, all he knew was that the man, Yoongi, was small, mint-haired, and had pretty, cat-like eyes. As much as he wanted to rebel against Jimin's cocky attitude towards the match, he couldn't deny the man was cute as hell.

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