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Tags: Smut! Yoongi x Reader, college trope, you and Yoongi are lab partners that bicker a lot, approx two nanoseconds of feels, the mildest of impact play (literally one spank...just one), now I'm craving Chinese takeout

Word Count: 5155

After sliding your final lab report under your professor's office door, you gave a victorious woop! and began shimmying your body in a manic happy dance.  Your lab partner, Yoongi, watched with an eyebrow quirked and his lips pressed together in a thin line, not bothering to hide the way he was judging you.

You could tell he secretly wanted to laugh, though.

"No offense, but I am so glad I never have to complete a lab with you ever again!"

At your exclamation, Yoongi clutched a hand over his heart, faux horror twisting his features.

"Um, offense taken.  I was a great lab partner."

"You can't say that with conviction until we know we passed," you said while sternly pointing a finger at him.

"Okay, true.  But if we fail, it's more your fault than mine.  I did the entire titration section by myself," he grumbled.

"Technically, it would be your fault if we fail.  Y'know, since you're the one who did all the work."

He stuck his tongue in his cheek while glaring at you, a look you were now very familiar with. 

Pissing Yoongi off was your favorite past-time.  You knew you could be a pain in the ass, but the man threw the sass right back.  Although most people thought he was intimidating, all cold glares and hard lips, your heart just swooned when he furrowed his brow at you or rolled his eyes.

About halfway through the fall semester, which was spent bickering over graduated cylinders and hydrochloric acid, you accepted the fact you had a massive crush on your lab partner.  At first, the realization pissed you off, because crushes were stupid. They jumbled the mind and usually lead to nothing. 

But you couldn't help it.  Yoongi was so your type.  Distant, grouchy, and totally disinterested.

Yeah, your dating history wasn't the greatest.

But goddamn, he was so cute. 

Despite your relief with being officially done with chemistry, you felt a little twinge in your gut as you realized you wouldn't be seeing much of Yoongi anymore.  There would be no more frantically written reports over coffee, no more texts asking for lecture notes, no more brushing of fingertips while passing around vials of chemicals.

You turned from him to zip up your backpack and slung the thing over your shoulder.  While your back was facing him, Yoongi spoke up.

"Do you have any plans for the holidays?"

Ah, the dreaded question.  It was totally normal for people to ask, and you knew no one meant any harm by it.  Keeping this in mind, you tried to keep the bitterness out of your tone when you replied. 

"Nope.  Sure don't."

"Oh."  You turned back around, expecting to see pity clouding his features like it did everyone else, or for him to question you further.  But you were surprised to see he was giving you the same disinterested look he always did.  "Cool. Me neither."

"Oh." You blinked. "Are you sticking around campus?"


You stood there awkwardly for a bit, neither of you knowing what to say next.  After shuffling your feet, you broke the silence.

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