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Tags: Smut! Jungkook x Jimin, starts with a Taekook breakup, Jungkook has superpowers and can't stop setting stuff on fire, Jimin hires him to work at his ice cream shop (ironic), friends to lovers, they're basically soulmates, this is really fucking cute if you want my completely un-biased opinion

Word Count: 6225

"Jungkook, I can't do this anymore."

With his hand resting on his boyfriend's front doorknob, Jungkook slowly turned to face Taehyung.  He was about to head to his first day at a new job, and their morning had been normal, laid back.  After having some breakfast, they watched some sitcom reruns, laughing and cuddling together on Taehyung's sofa. 

So, Jungkook furrowed his brows in confusion.

"What? Babe, what do you mean?"  He removed his hand from the door's handle, knowing that if he held on for too long, the metal would overheat. 

"I think – I think I want to break up," Taehyung murmured. 

Jungkook frowned. 

"You think?  Or do you know?"

Taehyung cast his eyes to the floor and kicked at an invisible piece of dirt.

"I-I know, Kook."

"I don't understand.  Did I do something wrong? I thought this morning was really nice."

"It was nice, Jungkook, but I just – I want more.  And I know you can't give it to me – we both know you can't."

Jungkook's stomach dropped, because Taehyung was right.  He knew exactly what his boyfriend – what his ex-boyfriend was talking about. 

"Tae...please.  I just need a little more time.  I have been practicing, I'm working on it.  I can control it so much better than when we first started – "

"Stop," Taehyung interrupted, frustration creeping into his voice.  "It's been nearly a year, and I can't even touch your dick outside of your jeans without you setting shit on fire."

Jungkook flinched at his words, knowing they were true.  No matter how hard he tried, it wasn't going to be enough.  He wasn't going to be enough.  His palms began to itch, and he knew his fire was swirling and flickering under his skin.  A lump formed in his throat as his heart pounded uncomfortably.

"Please, babe, give me another chance," he croaked. 

Taehyung only shook his head, the sadness in his eyes making them shine.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook.  I can't do it anymore," Taehyung repeated.  "I think you should go, now."

Jungkook felt his lower lip quiver as he spoke. 


He quickly closed the distance between him and Taehyung and mindlessly reached out to grasp the other's arm.  Taehyung yelped and yanked his arm back.  Jungkook gasped when he saw the burn he had left on Taehyung's arm – angry, blistering, and in the shape of Jungkook's large hand. 

"Get out, now!"  Taehyung shouted.

Jungkook felt his heart break in two.  He had hurt him – again.  He wished that was the first time he had accidentally burned someone, but the truth was, he did it regularly.  He was out of control – a monster.  He didn't deserve Taehyung. 

He didn't deserve anyone.

Jungkook spun on his heel and rushed to the door, yanking it open and stepping out into the crisp spring air.  He gulped in a few deep breaths to keep from sobbing; he didn't even deserve to do that.

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