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Tags: Smut! Namjoon x Reader x Jimin, Namjoon is daddy, you are baby girl, Jimin is a brat, open relationship, there is a dance scene where there is a dubiously consented dance touch, juss a headz up, I want to make a "so-and-so walked into a bar" joke but I'll spare myself the ridicule

Word Count: 4365

"Scotch, neat, and a club soda with lime, please."

The bartender reached behind the bar to prepare your drinks, and as she placed the two glasses in front of you, you crinkled your nose as you caught a burning wiff of the straight liquor Namjoon was drinking. Although going out was your favorite, you had never really enjoyed consuming the intoxicating liquid everyone else in the clubs seemed to love – especially if you knew you would be spending the night with someone.

Especially if that someone was Namjoon.

You had been seeing each other for nearly half a year, but you wouldn't necessarily call him your boyfriend. Before you met, you had been going through a particularly rough break up, so logically you had been flipping through a stupid dating app, searching for a rebound. When his profile came up, you immediately swiped right, not needing to see or read anything beyond his first photo. His intense gaze into the camera made your stomach flip, his smirk telling you all you needed to know.

But Namjoon had quickly proven that he was more than just a gorgeous face and could take care of you unlike anyone else you'd been with. He was exactly what you needed at this point in your life; your agreement was easy, uncomplicated, straight forward.

He was daddy, and you were his baby girl.

During the week, you would go through the motions of your nine to five, working your way up the corporate ladder, and then from the time you clocked out on Friday until you drug your feet back home Sunday evening, you were at his disposal. Your roommate teased that you were just his sex slave, but it was more than that. He knew exactly what he wanted, and he knew exactly what you needed, inside and outside of the bedroom.

Well, especially inside the bedroom, but still.

You never had a problem doing what he asked. It wasn't that you felt you were forced to, you just needed to. You rarely felt the urge to disobey him, not that his punishment would be too harsh for you.

His rewards were just too good.

Namjoon balanced on a stool next to the bar and took a quick sip of his scotch as you happily squeezed your limes into your soda. You turned away from the marble top, smiling as he spread his legs so you could slip between the and nuzzle into his chest.

"Thanks for the soda, daddy," you said sweetly as you took a sip through your straw, looking up at him through your lashes. He reached around you to put his glass back onto the bar and then placed his large, warm hands on your waist as he leaned down to give you a soft kiss on the forehead.

"Of course, baby girl. Anything for you."

You glanced over his shoulder at the dance floor, a familiar feeling beginning to claw its way into your chest. You hated asking Namjoon for anything – he genuinely gave you everything you needed – but you knew what the feeling meant, and it wouldn't go away until you got what you wanted.

"Anything, daddy? You promise?"

Namjoon quirked an eyebrow at you and followed your gaze to the pulsing, grinding mass of bodies. It only took him a second to realize what you were getting at, and a wide smile spread across his face, making his dimples peek out.

"Ah. Do you want to play, baby?"

Your eyes widened and cheeks flushed when he just knew, and you nodded your head rapidly. It had been months since you had last picked out a playmate to join you two for the evening. Of course, Namjoon always satisfied you, but sometimes you just needed more than one set of hands on you.

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