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Tags: Smut! Hoseok x Reader, this is literally Dirty Dancing, if you have not seen the original movie GO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW, celebrity cameos: Jimin, Hwasa, & Hitman Bang, loss of virginity, Hobi is a very scary dance instructor but the sweetest in bed

Word Count: 9614

It was the summer of 1963, when everybody called you Baby and it hadn't yet occurred to you to mind.

Naivety coursed thick through your veins, and the world your oyster. There was nary an obstacle on your path to save the world. Just that spring you had graduated university top of your class with plans to join the Peace Corps in the fall, and after your service, you would follow your father's footsteps and go to medical school.

You never thought you'd find a guy as great as your dad.

Life was simple – easy. A pleasant cycle of goals, achievements, and praise and enablement from your doting parents. You thought that was just how life was; you want for something, you ask for it, you work for it, and you get it.

But that summer opened your eyes and taught you that life wasn't always fair.

As your father steered your family's new Oldsmobile up a gravel driveway, you took in familiar scenery through the car door window. A lake shone on the horizon, and soft rolling hills green with foliage surrounded the buildings that made up the resort.

"Are you excited, Baby?"

You snapped your focus to the driver's seat where your father sat, smiling back at you through the rearview mirror.

No, you weren't excited. Not particularly.

The three weeks you were about to spend with your parents and other upper-middle class elite at the resort you had frequented since you were six was the only thing that stood between you and your flight to the heart of Africa. You had three weeks of boring, familiar, organized "fun" before your adventure truly began, and you were restless. If you could, you would time travel to the moment you climbed onto the plane and took off for your service.

But you would never tell your father that.

"Yes, Daddy. So excited, we are going to have so much fun. We always do."

He smiled, the wrinkles around his eyes crinkling fondly. At the same you saw the love there, you also saw the poorly disguised pain – the fear. His baby girl had grown up, and this was their last tradition to share with you before you chased your dream.

As your family of three climbed out of the car once you were parked, the pudgy owner of the resort waddled up to your father, clapping their hands together into an exaggerated handshake. Your father smiled kindly, like he did with everyone – even the annoying ones.

"Hey, Doc! Long time no see, we've missed you around here!" the owner exclaimed.

"Hello, Mr. Bang. How's the heart?"

Mr. Bang laughed loudly, slapping your father on the back like they were the best of friends. Your father's smile stayed genuine, even as your mom rolled her eyes behind Mr. Bang's back.

"Let's get your luggage unloaded and sent to your cabin – which is the VIP lodge, by the way! – and I'll give you a tour," Mr. Bang gushed, herding you all towards the main community building.

"We've been coming here for nearly two decades, Bang," your mother sighed, but you all knew he would insist, that there was a new building, a new game, a new something they had implemented in the year since you all had visited last that you just had to see.

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