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TW: post-apocalypse, viral pandemic, depression, character death(s)

Tags: Smut! but I don't wanna tell you between who cuz it's a surprise ok, just trust me, this is a JOURNEY, soulmate au, pls pretend that condoms do not expire, NO APOCALYPSE BABIES ALLOWED, the POV changes three whole times, hang in there, there's a happy ending (innuendo intended)

Word Count: 14,687

Mornings used to be the worst.

Waking up had never been your strong suit. If you wanted to wake up on time, you had to set alarm after alarm, but even that was rarely enough. Your parents had gotten used to coming into your room, turning on the light, and pulling off your comforter until you finally groaned and rolled off your mattress.

There had been classes to take, appointments to make, and places to go.

But that was before the world ended.

Now, there was no one to teach, no one to provide services or make appointments, no one to run a business – there was no one.

As far as you knew, you were the last human on earth.

Well, one of the last humans on earth.

"Good morning, sweetheart."

Your eyelids fluttered as a honey smooth voice coaxed you comfortably to consciousness, pale sunlight filtering through your lashes and a familiar warmth enveloping you from behind. Humid breath puffed against your neck as the body behind you shook with laughter, and you realized you were groaning in annoyance at being woken up.

"Rise and shiiiine," the soft voice cooed close to your ear. You felt pillow-soft lips press against the skin underneath your earlobe, where your pulse thrummed lazily.

"Mhmf," you groaned again, but instead of pulling away from the man that had woken you up, you leaned back, pressing your bare shoulder blades into the planes of his chest. "G'mornin'."

"Did you sleep well?"

You only hummed in response as a strong arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you even closer to his front. Your neck was pillowed by the bicep of his other arm, and while that one lay relaxed under the weight of your head, the other's soft fingers caressed the expanse of your stomach. Goosebumps rose in their wake as he let his fingernails gently graze across your skin, dipping into your belly button on their path downwards. The tickly tingle it elicited made you giggle.

As he dragged his fingers south, your pulse's rhythm quickened.  You could tell he noticed by the way his plush lips dragged down the column of your neck, his teeth grazing you occasionally as he smiled against your quickly-heating flesh.

"Feel good?" he murmured, letting his index finger trace a line from the top of your pubic bone, across your pelvis and to your hip. His voice was thick with the morning, but you were awake enough to catch the mischievousness underlying it. Your skin sang as he traced feathery patterns along the swell of your body, and you pressed your ass against him, whining as you did.

"Jimin, stop teasing me," you rasped, and he smiled again against your skin before tracing the tip of his tongue back up your neck, sucking the cartilage of your ear into his mouth. You moaned as he gently nibbled at it before releasing it with a wet pop.

"Teasing? You?! I would never," he breathed, and you would have rolled your eyes at him if his silky voice hadn't made a fresh batch of goosebumps spread from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes.

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