deputy extras

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Tags: Smut! Smut! SMUT! this is a gift to my three moms, porn without plot, no Deputy Jeon here, just Em, Genie, and Angel gettin' it on:

Em x Yoongi contains a couple's quarrel and angry sex

Genie x Hoseok contains drunk sex (well, Hoseok is drunk), impact play, and come play

Namjoon x Angel x Taehyung contains several fun surprises

Word Count: 6230

Em x Yoongi

"You can't just fuckin' do that, Yoongi."

"Well I fucking did, so."

Em stormed ahead of Yoongi and towards her room, half tempted to slam the door on his face as she yanked it open.  But she knew he would kick the damn thing in if he wanted to, so she only spun on her heel, crossing her arms and huffing as she felt her temper dangerously rise. 

She had been doing her goddamn job, working the crowd and drawing in a cockily wealthy businessman.  He had been pretty toasted, and she figured she could charge him triple for a quick handy, but then Yoongi had stepped in when the city man became a little handsy.  Luckily the prospect customer wasn't hot headed, only a bit annoyed when Yoongi pulled Em away, saying she was booked that evening when he knew she wasn't.

"I've gotta job to do," Em seethed as Yoongi calmly closed the door behind him.  She could almost feel the steam shooting from her ears at his relaxed demeanor. 

"I'm sorry, I just didn't like him."

Em sputtered out an angry laugh.

"Oh, wow okay, you didn't like him? Are you gonna like any of the men I have to fuck?  Should I give you a promotion, Yoongi?  Would you like to be my brothel recruiter?  Go out and hand pick the next guy who gets to jizz on my sheets?  Would you like that? Hmm?"

"Damnit, Em, don't fucking do this..." Yoongi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"No, you don't fuckin' do this.  This is, what, the fifth time this month?  The sixth?  Yoongi I literally cannot afford for this to keep happenin'," she said, venom sharpening her words and Yoongi growled in annoyance, looking up at the ceiling before throwing his hands up.

"Fine! Okay! Here, fucking – take my money, then.  Heaven forbid I be the reason you starve." 

He shoved his hands into his pockets and pulled out the few tips he had received that evening, forcing them into Em's hands before turning on his heel and striding towards the bedroom door.

Em lost it.

"I DON'T WANT YOUR GODDAMN MONEY, YOU FUCKIN' ASSHOLE!" she screamed as she chucked the money at his back.  Most of it just bounced off of his broad shoulders and back, tinkling noisily to the floor, but one coin hit him squarely in the back of the skull.  Em could hear the sound of it cracking against his head from across the room, and Yoongi turned around to shoot Em a pained look.

"Ow, what the hell?" he muttered, rubbing at the spot.

"I'm sorry, oh my god I'm sorry I'm sorry," she blurted as she shuffled quickly over to him, moving his hand from his head so she could feel at the little goose egg that was already beginning to form there.  "That was stupid, I'm sorry."

"This is stupid," he said lowly.  A certain fire burned behind his eyes, and Em swallowed against her suddenly dry throat.


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