
9.4K 134 37

Tags: Smut! Taehyung x Reader, Taehyung is your hot hot yoga instructor, unprotected sex, honestly nothing else needs to be said

Word Count: 2825

Okay, so maybe leaving the house was a bad idea.

You squinted out of the tiny rectangle on your windshield you had scraped clear of ice while carefully guiding your car down the snow-packed road.  While keeping your gaze on the barely visible road, you blindly reached down to fiddle with the defrost.  It clearly wasn't working, but you sent up a little prayer that the frigid air blasting onto the windshield and into your face would begin heating up soon.

The car started sliding into the left side of the road, and you did your best to maintain your calm and not jerk the steering wheel the opposite direction.  Your chattering teeth and spasming muscles weren't helpful at all, but you managed to slowly coax your car back into what you thought was the right side of the road. 

A dense cloud of condensed air puffed out of your mouth as you sighed in relief once you finally pulled up to the yoga studio.  The car's radio clock said that it was five past six; you were late.  Crap.  You looked around to see if any other cars were parked along the curb, but the only other car was your instructor's. 

You grabbed your mat and squealed unhappily as you stepped out of the car and into the frigid snowstorm outside.  Your boots crunched on the untouched snow as you walked up to the door, the sensation of the frozen substance collapsing under your feet making you shudder.  Although it looked pretty when it snowed, you could do without the miserable coldness that accompanied it.

But not even snow could keep you from your biweekly hot yoga class.  Or maybe you should say not even snow could keep you from your hot yoga instructor.

And damn, speaking of the devil, there he was, looking hot as ever.  You raised your gaze from your feet and squinted against the wind as you reached the door, and Taehyung opened it for you so you could barrel in.  As you stomped your feet on the mat inside the door, you turned to greet the man of the hour. 

"Couldn't mess up your perfect attendance, even in a blizzard?"  Taehyung closed the door behind you, and you slid your heavy coat off your shoulders.  The studio's warm air burned your frozen fingers, so you shook them out and stuck them between your thighs to try and thaw them. 

"Nope.  I'm dedicated," you said while smirking at the young man.  He donned his usual harem pants, t-shirt, and bare feet.  The icy air from outside had left his muscular arms covered in goosebumps, and his nipples pressed against the thin fabric that stretched across his chest.  You swallowed and dragged your eyes up to his face.  He had a bandana tied across his forehead, holding back his floppy brown hair.

One of his eyebrows quirked as he noticed you checking him out, and he sucked his bottom lip into his mouth so that his teeth could graze it. 

What a tease.

"Well, I think you're the only one who is crazy enough to leave their house this morning.  I hope you're up for a one-on-one session."

Your eyes widened at his words.  This particular group was always small, never more than five people or so, but you had never been at the studio alone with Taehyung.  Your stomach twisted into knots, and Taehyung giggled at your reaction.

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you."  He followed his words with a wink, and your sports bra did little to conceal the blush that spread from the crown of your head to the top of your chest.  

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