
11.8K 177 153

Tags: Smut! Jimin x Reader, you're a make-up artist, Jimin's a model, he'd be creepy if he wasn't so charming, public sex, Jimin's a lil shit but it's okay cuz he's hot

Word Count: 6308

It was going to be a long day.

You scanned your set up to make sure you had all the products and supplies you would need for the day, and when you were satisfied, you plopped into the folding chair the client would soon occupy. It was nearly six in the morning, and you had already been at the studio for an hour.

Typically, you liked to arrive well ahead of time to set up before you got to work. Maybe you were anal retentive. But you were one of the best makeup artists in the city, and your schedule reflected that. Therefore, no one was going to hear you complain.

Even if that meant you would be on your feet for over twelve hours.

When your manager notified you about the call for today's shoot, you were intrigued. It had been a while since you'd worked a cover shoot. Recently, you were in high demand for runway shows, and you were used to the chaos behind the scenes. But this shoot was only one model, and you were excited to work in a different environment for the first time in a while.

You would have ample time to be creative, which was something you craved.

The door to the studio swung open, and you checked your watch to see that the model was right on time. He had his sweatshirt's hood up with glasses and a mask on, so you couldn't see the canvas you would be working with quite yet. Despite his guise, you could see he was rather small in stature, not much taller than you.

You stood, bowed briefly, and greeted the man formally, then motioned to the chair once he straightened from his own bow. He yawned underneath his mask, and the squeak he made had you smiling as you turned to grab the first products you needed.

By the time you spun back around to face the model, he had removed his mask and glasses. He reached up to pull his sweatshirt over his head, and you paused. In your career, you had worked with hundreds – if not thousands – of models, all of them undeniably beautiful. But the fashion industry definitely has a type, and you noticed a pattern with not only the faces you painted but the bodies they occupy.

This model, though, had a face unlike anyone you had ever seen before.

Although his eyes were puffy with sleep, you could tell they had the power to hold a room's attention. He had a perfect button nose and smooth flawless skin. He may have been on the short side, but his t-shirt did little to conceal his muscular frame.

And then there were his lips. Dear god.

You were going to have fun with those lips.

You hadn't realized your gaze was locked on his mouth until you watched its corners quirk. A quick glance back up to the man's eyes told you that you had been caught staring, and you felt blood rush to your cheeks as you ripped your gaze from his and quickly closed the distance between you two. Keeping your head down, you began dabbing a moisturizing primer onto the man's skin.

Sweat began collecting on your palms when you realized the model was still watching you.

It had been a while since you had been affected by a face in your chair, but there was something about this guy's features that had butterflies flit in your stomach. His heated gaze certainly wasn't helping, but soon enough he would need to close his eyes. Plus, it wasn't like you had to make conversation with him.

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